Pope appoints Bishop of San Juan Bautista de Calama (Chile)

Rev. Tomás Abel Carrasco Cortés

Archbishopric of Santísima Concepción

The Holy See Press Office announced today, Wednesday 24 May

The Holy Father has appointed Rev. Tomás Abel Carrasco Cortés, of the clergy of the Diocese of Santa María de Los Ángeles (Chile), until now Parish Priest of the Sagrada Familia, as Bishop of San Juan Bautista de Calama (Chile).

Curriculum vitae

H.E. Mgr Tomás Abel Carrasco Cortés was born in Santa Bárbara, in the Bio-Bio Region, on 13 November 1970. He completed his ecclesiastical studies at the Major Seminary of Concepción and was ordained a priest on 31 October 2001.

He held the following positions: Vicar of the Parish of San Diego de Alcalá in Tucapel (2001-2006) and Parish Priest of the same (2006-2017). Since 2017 he has been Parish Priest of the Sagrada Familia.