Poles to Celebrate Our Lady of Częstochowa
'There Would be no Polish Pope, if it Were not for Your Faith'

Poles this week will celebrate Our Lady of Częstochowa on August 26 (Thursday) at 11.00 at the Summit in ceremonies chaired by the Primate of Poland, Archbishop Wojciech Polak. It will be celebrated by representatives of the Polish Bishops’ Conference, who will be sitting the day before at the Council of Diocesan Bishops.
Traditionally, during the pilgrimage sum, the Jasna Góra Vows of the Nation, the author of which is the Primate of the Millennium, will be renewed.
This year’s celebration is part of the preparations for the beatification of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński. On the eve of the holiday, August 25 (Wednesday) at 11.30, in the new rooms of the bastion of St. Roch, an exhibition entitled “There would be no Polish Pope, if it were not for your faith … Primate of the Millennium, Blessed Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński”. There are unusual exhibits on it: the millennium dress, also known as the millennium dress, adorning the Miraculous Image of the Mother of God – a witness of the events of 1966, millennium crowns, chasubles of Fr. Primate, a cap, and a cardinal’s hat, postcards, hand-written pictures.
On August 25, the Jasna Góra Appeal at At 9.00 pm an open-air concert will begin, a great oratorio about Stefan Cardinal Wyszyński “Soli Deo Per Mariam” performed by the Silesian Philharmonic in Katowice, choir and orchestra, soloists and composers. It is a story about a life given to God out of love by Mary, in the form of ten images of an oratorio song. The libretto was written by Fr. Tadeusz Golecki, the music was composed by two musicians from Krakow: Hubert Kowalski and Piotr Pałka. Admission to the concert is free.
Thousands of pilgrims come to the ceremony: walking and cycling. The so-called second August pilgrimage peak. Most groups will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday (August 24 and August 25).
They are mainly parish and deanery groups from the metropolises of Łódź, Kalisz, Katowice, and Częstochowa, but there are also diocesan pilgrimages; As before, the pilgrimage is carried out in accordance with the guidelines of the Chief Sanitary Inspector.
Pilgrimages have already arrived: Opole and Gliwice, tomorrow 24 August will enter, among others 96. Lodz Walking Pilgrimage. On August 25, Częstochowa will enter, among others, the Walking Prague Pilgrimage of Helpers of Mary, Mother of the Church, and the Walking Pilgrimage of the Tarnów Diocese.
The pilgrimages that come to the fair on August 26 are very diverse, they are distinguished by emblems, parish banners, banners, bridesmaids and friends from the Volunteer Fire Brigades, brass bands, and representatives of Rural Housewives’ Clubs.
During the celebration of Our Lady of Częstochowa, Jasna Góra will be visited by the signs of the World Youth Day, i.e. the cross and the icon of Our Lady, Salus Populi Romani. Their pilgrimage is a form of spiritual preparation for the meeting of young people with the Pope in Lisbon in two years. – For us Poles, it is also a reflection and a return to World Youth Day 30 years ago at Jasna Góra and five years ago in Krakow – notes Fr. Adam Polak, head of the Youth and Academic Ministry Department of the Częstochowa curia. – These symbols remind us of Christ, who is the only Savior of every human being, and of Mary, who is the Mother of all believers, explains Fr. Polak.

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