Poles Join Pope in Prayer to End Pandemic
On May 3rd at Jasna Góra

Poles today join Pope Francis in prayer to end the coronavirus pandemic.
“We feel honored and privileged to take part in this prayer marathon,” emphasizes the Prior of Jasna Gora, Fr. Samuel Pacholski. He adds that at 6 p.m., together with the Holy Father, we will pray for the end of the coronavirus, remembering especially those countries where the pandemic situation is even more difficult than in Poland.
The Sanctuary in Czestochowa is a place where, for over 6 centuries, Mary has been venerated, as the patroness and advocate of the Polish nation. She bears the title Queen of Poland.
May 3rd is the day on which Poles express their faith in God’s special protection, which they have experienced and are experiencing through the agency of the Mother of God. The feast day was established at the request of the Bishops when Poland had regained its independence after World War I.
Polish Pope John Paul II contributed to the spreading of the cult of Jasna Góra’s Mother of God. He never omitted a visit to Jasna Góra during his pilgrimages to his homeland, and in 1991 he invited young people to there for the 6th World Youth Day.
All the contemporary Popes, following in the footsteps of their predecessor, have come on pilgrimage to Czestochowa.
Pope Francis was here in 2016. He repeatedly gave assurance of his unity with this place. That is why Jasna Góra is also on the route of the world’s prayer this time.
“We are responding eagerly to this papal prayer initiative. Throughout May, we will continue praying the rosary, imploring the end of the pandemic,” assures Jasna Góra’s Prior, Fr. Samuel Pacholski.
For this occasion, the Pauline Fathers have specially prepared a candle, the size of a Paschal candle, decorated with the papal emblem and the image of Our Lady of Jasna Gora.
The joyful mysteries of the Holy Rosary will be recited in five languages. The worldwide supplication for the cessation of the pandemic will begin on May 3rd, at 6 p.m.

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