Peru’s Episcopate Launches ‘Together for Haiti’
Within the Fundraising Campaign of the Latin American Church

Peru’s Episcopate (CEP) decided to collaborate in solidarity with the people of Haiti, suffering a grave crisis caused by the recent earthquake last August 14, leaving to date over 2,000 dead, 12,000 wounded and some 30,000 families homeless. Therefore, through Caritas-Peru, on Sunday, August 29, 2021, it is launching the national collection “Together for Haiti.”
Thus it’s following in the line marked throughout the Continent by the Latin American Episcopal Conference (CELAM), to bring hope to Haitian brothers that today are facing a humanitarian, social, health, and political crisis. It’s possible to join this collection and to help reconstruct Haiti by giving a donation in chapels, parishes, and Caritas offices in Peru or sending money directly to the following bank accounts:
Caritas del Peru – Banco de Credito del Peru
Account in Soles: 193-1572690-0-56.
CCI: 002-193001572690056-14
Account in dollars: 193-1569857-1-49.
CCI: CCI 002-193001569857149-12
The campaign “Together for Haiti”
Through a note last Friday, August 20, CELAM published a message that the Church of Latin America and the Caribbean launched to make the campaign “Together for Haiti” known; it’s an initiative that hopes efforts will be made given the emergency the Caribbean country is experiencing.
Through that Document, the Council’s Bishops hope that people will make an effort to respond to the emergency and crisis Haitian brothers are going through. “The synodal path we are following in our Continent impels us to unite and to articulate ourselves as an ecclesial community inspired in love, hope, and charity,” they said.
Pope Francis expressed his closeness to the people of Haiti after praying the noonday Angelus with the faithful in St. Peter’s Square on Sunday.
“In the past few hours, a strong earthquake occurred in Haiti, provoking numerous deaths, wounding many, and causing extensive material damage,” Pope Francis said. “I want to express my closeness to the dear people hard hit by the earthquake. While I lift up my prayer to the Lord for the victims, I extend my word of encouragement to the survivors, hoping that the interest of the international community to help might move toward them. May the solidarity of all alleviate the consequences of the tragedy! Let us pray together to the Madonna for Haiti. Hail Mary…”
Translation by Virginia M. Forrester

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