Peru: Process Begins of Beatification of Luigi Bolla
He Gave His Life to Achuar People on Amazonian Border Between Peru and Ecuador

The Archbishop of Lima, Monsignor Carlos Castillo, issued the Edict of the Introduction of the Cause of Beatification and Canonization of the Servant of God Luigi Bolla (1932-2013), a Salesian missionary who gave his life to the Achuar people, living on the Amazonian border between Peru and Ecuador.
Yankuam’ Jintia is the name that the Achuar people gave to the man who walked with them day and night for decades and who is now one step closer to Beatification. He is “renowned and remembered Father Luigi (Louis) Bolla, a Salesian missionary who evangelized and defended — enduring harsh conditions of life –, Achuar brothers living on the border between Peru and Ecuador, several days journey from Yurimaguas, nearest reference city,” reports in a note Querida Amazonía Perú.
After the Introduction of the Cause of Beatification and Canonization of this Servant of God, the Archbishopric of Lima approved this request, which now opens the respective process. The mentioned institution communicated the Cause in an Edict that bears the rubric of the Archbishop of Lima, Monsignor Carlos Castillo.
“All the faithful are invited to provide information and useful documents (letters, writings, etc.), which relate to the Cause, to present them to the Diocesan Tribunal in the Diocesan Curia — on Jr. Chancay 282 – Cercado de Lima, as well as the said Edict — which will be informed “during two months in Lima’s Cathedral and communicated to the Apostolic Vicariate of Yurimaguas (Peru), to the Apostolic Vicariate of Méndez (Ecuador), and to the Diocese of Vicenza (Italy),” reads the Archbishopric’s portal.
“This news is the cause of great joy not only among the members of the Society of Saint Francis de Sales (Salesians), but also in the whole Vicariate of Yurimaguas and the Amazonian Church, as Father Luigi Bolla was a great missionary example who with his unique and prolific testimony of life, inspires the new paths of the synodal Church going forth and inter-cultural, which Pope Francis desires,” states Querida Amazonía Peru.
Translation by Virginia M. Forrester

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