Overview: family, school, religion

The world, in order to save culture and to sow abundant values, urgently needs a re-Christianization


Every man is an image of God. He reflects, in part, the infinite beauty of divinity. Every human life is a marvelous and unrepeatable reality. As the great Saint Augustine said, man is a being for God. We are capable of knowing and loving God!

Man and woman have the same personal dignity. From the beginning they are different and complementary. They differ in their chromosomal constitution. The whole human being is sexual. Hence, there can be no treatment capable of changing the sexual condition. The contrary affirmation is merely ideological and contradicts biology.

We only admire the strong athlete who dominates his body. Similarly, then, we admire those who have the courage to live holy purity, victorious! Not to the one who has the cowardice to let himself be carried away by passions, defeated! Today’s civilization is threatened by neopaganism, which, as Don Javier Echevarría said, is the return to the jungle.

Youth is a reality in beautiful growth. Characteristic of young people is joy, enthusiasm, having a heart full of ideals of beautiful splendor, taking flight.

To enclose freedom in fantasies is to imprison it. Seeing it as if it only looked at oneself would not serve to become good husbands and wives, fathers and mothers of children. As Saint Thomas taught, unbridled freedom is not true freedom, it is a chimera. Only a bound freedom is interesting, bound to good. And, therefore, unbridled from evil, liberated. Only freedom that is so great that it is capable of commitment and service is useful.

The greatest thing is to do the will of God. The greatness of women is such that they cannot be satisfied with models of lesser stature than Christ and the mother of God. God wants human nature to be elevated to the supernatural and to heavenly life.

As the human is vulnerable, it needs to be supported. Therefore, the family, a very important reality, must be guaranteed and defended with strong bonds. True love is that which truly says: you, for me, will never die.

We must open ourselves. In marriage, the self opens to you, and to them. The moment of fertilization is that of the conception of a new human life; the moment in which God creates directly, from nothing, the spiritual soul, united to the body. The soul gives life to the body. The union of the two gametes forms a single cell, in which the whole man is already, someone, an I. Every human life is a great gift. The newly conceived being is as worthy as the mature man. The rest of life is only the development of this cell that is subdivided.

As Pope Francis pointed out in 2019, if a woman has conceived a child who has serious deficiencies and interprets this pregnancy as a problem, she cannot hire a hitman to solve it. There is no right to death, there is only a right to life. That child must be especially loved.

We all admire the footballer who gives himself very generously in his games. And we are disappointed by the one who, lacking generosity, hides off the field. Well, in many cases, generosity in marriage leads to forming a large family. Now that there are no children and Europe is aging, it is very beautiful, for example, to see so many large, generous, and young families attending the Marian day in Torreciudad.

Love is the true key to life. Thus, in marriage, if there is true love, everything goes well. Paul VI, in Humanae vitae, stated: whoever loves, gives himself completely, without cheating.

Since the most important thing in man is his spiritual soul, capable of God, a school that did not cultivate spiritual formation would contribute to dehumanization. For there to be culture, or civilization, intelligence and morality, truth and goodness are needed. Intelligence must grasp the great truths: the truth of God and that of man. Man cannot be content with less than possessing God, the infinite treasure. A school without religion cuts off one’s wings. Children do not deserve a school without spiritual formation and without religion.

Men, compared to the Almighty, are dwarfs. The true protagonist of history is God. God’s work is greater than the work of man. In virtue, there is help from God and human collaboration. In the meritorious act, everything is grace.

As John Paul II pointed out, the world, in order to save culture and to carry out a copious sowing of values, urgently needs re-Christianization. Everything must be elevated by religion. The Catholic Church is the most capable of carrying out such an enormous work.

As Benedict XVI said, the Church is always young. The world does not know a joy as great as that found in the Catholic religion, an oasis in the middle of the desert. Because the Catholic Church leads us to God and to heaven in the most excellent way, it is the greatest and the happiest thing.