04 March, 2025

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Opening of the Paris Olympic Games, 2024

What happened last Friday at the opening of the Paris Olympic Games is the latest demonstration that those who hold power cannot stand God. Nothing new under the sun. There may be those who believe that what happened on Friday has something original or new, but it is nothing more than the succession of events […]

Opening of the Paris Olympic Games, 2024

What happened last Friday at the opening of the Paris Olympic Games is the latest demonstration that those who hold power cannot stand God.

Nothing new under the sun.

There may be those who believe that what happened on Friday has something original or new, but it is nothing more than the succession of events that have already occurred.

Allow me to give my perspective.

I think that in order to understand what happened it is necessary to put it in context and take into account the references that President Macron made to two people intimately and decisively involved in the legalization of abortion in France, something that he has culminated in managing to introduce it as a right (sic) in the constitution of his country.

The WOKE ideology and the LGTBI+ ideology cannot be understood separately from the ideology of the culture of death.

Let’s look at two facts first, or rather, the confirmation of two facts:

1st – The LGTBI+ ideology and the WOKE ideology (sic) have colonized ALL the echelons of power. Of course, the United Nations Organization (UN) and all its agencies. This has been going on for many years now. Also, all the power groups – with governments, mainly those on the left,
being its clearest exponents. Universities – with very few exceptions – with the American and Canadian ones being the most belligerent in these ideologies, but neither the Latin American nor the European ones intend to be left behind. But on Friday they showed that they have also colonized the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and obviously the French Olympic Committee.


2nd – The show, provocative, crude and really degrading, demonstrated that the LGTBI+ ideology and the WOKE ideology (sic), have nothing good to offer. NOTHING.

If they had something positive to offer, why didn’t they do it? Well, simply because they can’t.

The showcase was undoubtedly unbeatable, but they offered the only thing they could.

If the Olympics are supposed to be an environment of fraternity, freedom and equality, they came to show that they come to divide, they come to impose and they come to place themselves above those who do not think like them.

But I insist, they can’t offer anything more, because that is their essence.

I will put the band-aid on before the wound comes out, I am NOT saying that people who do not identify themselves as heterosexual – to save me from repeating the whole name – have nothing good to offer, not at all. Every person has a lot of good to offer the world – we are all the image of God. I mean that these leaders and propagandists of IDEOLOGY have power as their only objective and for that, their means and their ways cannot be good. I am convinced that they do not even care about people (whatever their sexual attraction and behaviour). To make myself clear, I think that those who pull the strings of the LGTBI+ IDEOLOGY and the WOKE IDEOLOGY are as interested in people as those of the “Planned Parenthood” organization are interested in parenthood, children or families. NOTHING.

Now let’s go to what they did:

They mocked, ridiculed, messed up (symbolically) on the fundamental fact of Christian civilization.

As I said before, they can’t offer anything good, so they have to resort to something negative.

To ridicule or make fun of someone you must exaggerate, distort, travesty the original.

If what you are deforming is essentially good, the result will necessarily be an impoverishment, a loss of its essence.

That is mockery.

Imagine trying to ridicule a 4-year-old child. A child who is pure innocence. Ridiculing innocence is simply disgusting. Who would think of ridiculing something that is the essence of love, “No one has greater love than he who lays down his life for his friends” (John 15:13)? Only someone who is so emotionally wounded that he has lost all reference to what love is. But as much as we can try to justify it, the result is disheartening.

Mocking and ridiculing also require disguise, the staging of something that necessarily demands a distortion of reality through a prop. If what you are going to present is beautiful, it does not need any kind of disguise. I have already defended on one occasion (and I apologize for the self-quote) that “disguises – even if they are simple exaggerations of the condition that I intend to represent – ​​are a histrionic display of concealment, and rather than showing pride, they actually disguise some kind of complex or shame.”

The costumes they used were, logically, looking for an appearance that was not only striking, but also crude and ugly.

It is logical, evil has always been represented symbolically through the ugly: witches, monsters, orcs, deformed beings…

Now, beyond what this lamentable spectacle may lead us to think or wish to respond, I want to think about what response Our Lord would give.

First of all, since President Macron, the organizers of the show and the French Olympic Committee enjoyed their moment of “glory” and used their mandate to do what they wanted, the answer of Jesus to Pilate comes to mind: “You would have no authority over me if it had not been given to you from above” (Jn 19:11a). Everything is in the hands of God. And as much as what happened hurts us, He has everything under His control. Did He not allow Judas to hand over His Son? Or do we believe that “that passed Him by.” Well, this doesn’t happen either.

Secondly, those who talk so much about pride: about being French, about belonging to the LGTBI+ caste, etc. What are they proud of? Ridiculing or denigrating the Lord?

Do they think they are original? Do they not know the insults, the spitting, and the mockery that he received (and receives) throughout his Passion?

They do not understand that it is not possible to humiliate someone who has voluntarily humiliated himself to death.

And even less so someone who has humiliated himself to save all of humanity, including me, including them.

I suppose that the only thing we can do is follow the advice of Saint Paul: “Let him who glories, glory in the Lord” (2 Gal. 10:17).

It is possible that they consider that they were not “attacking” the Lord, since (they claim that) they do not believe in Him (although as I have read in some article, what happened the other day is proof that they cannot live without Him), they were just… messing up a little on Christians. But the Lord made it very clear to us already in the first century, from the first of the persecutors of Christianity. Saul of Tarsus did not believe at all that he was persecuting Jesus Christ. For him, that person had died, and his body had been stolen. What those heretics whom he persecuted claimed was absurd. How could he have been resurrected? Neither he nor anyone else! But God himself told him: “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?” He said, “Who are you, Lord?” He answered: “I am Jesus, whom you persecute” (Acts 9:4-5).

Persecuting Christians is persecuting Christ himself. They may not know it. Or they may not believe it. Maybe.

In the end, we must recognize that these LGTBI+ WOKE members are an instrument of the Lord and move us to prayer, because if we do not pray as much as we should to thank God for everything he gives us, at least let it be to make amends for all those who offend him. Personally, I am left with the absolute tranquility that the Lord conveyed to us: “In the world you will have struggles; but be of good courage: I have overcome the world” (Jn, 16, 33b).