Only religion can guarantee peace

The Transformation of the World: From Chaos to Harmony


If one wants to laugh, let him look at the human projects he has forged, instead of focusing on God’s plans for him. Human designs are laughable compared to divine ones. God’s work surpasses human work.

Those human people who present themselves as saviors are usually fatal. Hitler and Stalin are a case in point. Religion surpasses the designs of humanity in that it is powerless to save itself, while Christ is a savior, he is the Savior, and salvation comes through religion. In this sense, Christ has transformed the desert of the world into a garden of flowers.

In the Western world, so secularized, despite the constant succession of political and financial failures, increasing importance is given to the political and economic, as if only from this could the solution or salvation of personal and social problems be expected. The old lady, full of Christian love, seems helpless, while she believes that politicians and economists can take over the world.

By the law of optimization, I understand the achievement of maximum benefits with minimum cost. This rule seems logical, but it does not stand up to the slightest analysis. In effect: this norm, taken, absolutely, efficiency as the supreme law, does not take into consideration either the human or the spiritual, resulting, therefore, in an expression of savage capitalism, capitalist materialism, and inhumanity. The merely mathematical level must therefore be overcome, seeking an economy with a human face, open to humanism and its spiritual dimension. But, the most important of economies, what can it do? Hovering over it, like an eagle ready to launch itself over it in swift flight, is a capital question: what use would a mountain of gold be if there was no peace to enjoy it?

At the same time, it is not uncommon for political discourse to look only at well-being, meaning not personal well-being, but material comfort and little else. The highest dimensions are thus relegated. There is no lack, however, of the insistent call to ethics. But, understanding by ethics, not the ethics of good, but the ethics of the political party. Acting ethically then means following the partisan proposal, even if it contradicts good behavior. Similarly, they make use of words like moral regeneration and progress. However, in many political proposals there is still the following note of sanity, or good sense: global security must be sought, the destruction of the entire planet must be avoided. Thus, a decisive question falls upon politics: can politics ensure something as incandescently topical as world peace?

In short, economics and politics lead to something extremely relevant, that there be peace. But can they guarantee peace?

The answer to this question is like a pin that deflates the inflated balloon of politics and economics. Pretending that they can solve it is the diabolical temptation of being like gods. It would be like wanting Icarus to approach the sun with wings glued with wax, which the star would melt. The solution to that joke about astronauts who said they would go to the sun, and when they saw that their colleagues criticized them, responded, laughing: Ha, they think we will go to the sun during the day! The fact is that only religion can ensure peace. In fact: the very intelligent Pope Benedict XVI stated: the world, without the concrete God, manifested in the face of Jesus Christ, who has suffered for us, self-destructs. Saint Faustina, faithfully transmitting the message of the divine mercy that Christ had given her, affirms: Jesus Christ has said that humanity will not know peace until it goes to the source of the Holy Passion of the Lord.

Not only is religion the only one that can guarantee peace, but also, living according to the Catholic religion is living the greatest good news, it is living in the wonderful, it is the art of joy and happiness.