October Prayer Intention: Missionary Disciples
In Video Holy Father Explores Evangelizing Nature of the Church

The Pope Prayer Video was just released, calling the faithful to be missionary disciples. The video is released throughout the world through the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network. In October, the month during which the synodal process begins and World Mission Day is celebrated, the Holy Father explores in depth the evangelizing nature of the church and calls us all to be precisely missionary disciples.
This mission, to which all the baptized are called, is centered above all on being “available to answer His call and to live united to the Lord in the most common daily things—work, meeting other people, our daily duties, the chance events of each day—allowing ourselves to be guided always by the Holy Spirit.”
Here is the text of the video:
Jesus asks us all, and you as well, to be missionary disciples. Are you ready?
It’s enough to be available to answer His call and to live united to the Lord in the most common daily things—work, meeting other people, our daily duties, the chance events of each day—allowing ourselves to be guided always by the Holy Spirit.
If Christ moves you, if you do things because Christ is guiding you, others will notice it easily.
And your testimony of life will inspire admiration, and admiration inspires others to ask themselves, “How is it possible for this person to be this way?” or “What is the source of the love with which this person treats everyone—the kindness and good humor?”
Let us remember that the mission is not proselytism; the mission is based on an encounter between people, on the testimony of men and women who say, “I know Jesus, and I’d like you to know Him too.”
Brothers and sisters, let us pray that every baptized person may be engaged in evangelization, available to the mission, by being witnesses of a life that has the flavor of the Gospel.

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