October 2: A legacy of everyday holiness

Anniversary of the Founding of Opus Dei and its impact on the world


October 2 is an emblematic date for all members and friends of Opus Dei, as it marks the anniversary of its founding in 1928 by St. Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer. This work of God, as he himself defined it, has touched the lives of thousands of people around the world, inspiring them to seek holiness in their daily lives and in the exercise of their professional activities.

The Origin of Opus Dei

On a day like today, more than ninety years ago, St. Josemaría had a clear vision of the mission that God entrusted to him: to promote among the laity the search for holiness through work and daily activities. At a time when holiness was mainly associated with religious life, St. Josemaría’s proposal was innovative and revolutionary. He affirmed that everyone, regardless of their marital status or profession, was called to be saints and to transform the world from within.

The Vision of St. Josemaría

The message of Opus Dei is centered on the idea that holiness is not something reserved for a few, but a universal calling. This is achieved by fulfilling daily duties with love and offering work to God as a means of service and personal improvement. St. Josemaría taught that “all the paths of the earth can be an opportunity for an encounter with Christ.”

A Global Impact

Since its founding, Opus Dei has grown and spread to numerous countries, today counting more than 90,000 members. Through its diverse activities of spiritual formation, apostolate and education, the Work has contributed significantly to the well-being of society. Universities, schools, vocational training centers and many other initiatives are testimony to the positive impact that Opus Dei has had in the educational and social spheres.

Opus Dei has contributed significantly to the Catholic Church by promoting holiness in everyday life, teaching that everyone, regardless of their marital status or profession, is called to holiness through work and daily activities. This spirituality has fostered a greater integration of faith into professional and family life, offering spiritual formation, education, and pastoral support. In addition, it has inspired the creation of numerous educational and social initiatives that seek to improve society from a Christian perspective, thus contributing to the evangelizing mission of the Church in the modern world.

Life Testimonies

The life testimonies of many members of Opus Dei reflect how this spirituality has transformed their lives. People from all professions and states of life have found in the message of St. Josemaría a source of inspiration to live their faith in a coherent and committed way. These testimonies are a constant reminder that it is possible to live holiness in the midst of the world.

A Call to Hope

In a world that is often faced with challenges and difficulties, the anniversary of the founding of Opus Dei is a call to hope and optimism. It reminds us that every person has the potential to be an instrument of change and love in his or her surroundings. As we celebrate this day, we renew our commitment to live our faith authentically and to strive to make the world a better place through our daily actions hand in hand with God and Our Lady, for Them and with Them.


In addition to being a source of spiritual inspiration, Opus Dei has also been the scene of amusing situations that show the humanity and closeness of its members:

  1. The Alarm Clock Disaster: Juan, a numerary member, always sets his alarm clock 15 minutes before morning Mass to give him time to wake up properly. One day, his alarm clock did not ring, and he arrived late, only to discover that he had set his alarm for PM instead of AM. Since then, his friends have joked about whether his holiness also has a schedule.
  2. The Newbie in the Kitchen: Marta, a supernumerary, decided to organize a dinner for her training group. She was not an expert in the kitchen and, when trying to prepare a complicated pasta dish, she ended up with a sauce so thick that they had to cut it with a knife and fork. Despite the culinary disaster, the dinner was a success due to the laughter and good company.
  3. The Unexpected Meeting: At a get-together, Pedro decided to give a talk about the importance of punctuality, but he arrived 10 minutes late because he could not find the room. His classmates did not miss the opportunity to remind him of his lateness every time they saw him during the following days.

October 2 is not just a commemorative date, but an invitation to all to rediscover the joy of following Christ in daily life. The legacy of St. Josemaría and the message of Opus Dei continue to be a guiding light for those who seek to find God in the ordinary and live their vocation with joy and commitment. Let us celebrate this anniversary with gratitude and renewed energy, committed to continue transforming the world with God’s love.