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26 November, 2024

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November 26, preparation for Advent

Daily Reflections

November 26, preparation for Advent

Gospel Reflection

In today’s Gospel, Luke 21:1-4, Jesus gives us the example of the poor widow who gives two small coins, all she had to live on. Jesus highlights her generosity and trust in God, emphasizing that her offering has immense value in God’s eyes, more than the large sums of the rich.

The purpose of the day

Today, could you review your attitude toward generosity and charity? Do you give from what you have left or from what you need? Dedicate time and resources to help someone in need. It could be donating to a charity or helping a neighbor or friend.

How to live Christmas as a family

Talk as a family about the importance of generosity and think about how you can help others during this season. You can organize a food or clothing drive for those most in need, or plan a visit to a nursing home to share a moment of joy.

Prayer for the day

“Lord Jesus, give me a generous heart like that of the widow in the Gospel. Help me to trust in your providence and to give with joy and love. Bless my family and allow us to be instruments of your love for others this Advent. Amen.”