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Gabriel Sales


24 August, 2021

2 min

New Editorial Director of Libreria Editrice Vaticana

Dr. Lorenzo Fazzini Appointed by Pope Francis

New Editorial Director of Libreria Editrice Vaticana
Lorenzo Fazzini © Vatican Media

Pope Francis appointed layman Dr. Lorenzo Fazzini – present Head of the Office of the Dicastery for Communication and Manager of Italian Missionary Publishers –, Director of the Libreria Editrice Vaticana (LEV), reported the Holy See Press Office on Monday, August 23, 2021.

Dr. Lorenzo Fazzini

“Vatican News” states that Dr. Lorenzo Fazzini was born in Lombardy in 1978. He has been a professional journalist, translator, and writer. Under his direction,  Italian Missionary Publications has become a communications enterprise that publishes not only books but also author events, editorial advice, catechetic expositions, theatrical performances, Web formation seminars, education workshops for teachers, and refresher courses: a total of 250 events a year.

He edited the 20-volume series entitled Le Parole di Papa Francesco  [Pope Francis’ Words], published by the newspaper Corriere della Sera and Pope Francis’ Anthology La Vida de Jesus [Jesus’ Life] (Solferino).

Married and father of four children, Fazzini worked for several years for the newspapers Avvenire and L’Osservatore Romano. He is a columnist of Corriere del Veneto – Corriere del Trentino – Corriere di Bologna, local editions of Corriere della Sera. He is a member of the Editorial Committee of Turin’s International Book Fair as Adviser of the Religious Sector.

He is also the author and adviser of television programs, among them in collaboration with Director Pupi Avati.

Fazzini has authored eight books, some of which have been translated in other countries. He has been awarded prizes for his journalistic and publishing work, including the Ucsi Natale – Targa Athesis for authors under 30, the Giorgio Fallani journalistic prize, and the Capri San Michele prize.

The Vatican Publishing House (Italian: Libreria Editrice Vaticana; Latin: Officina libraria editoria Vaticana; LEV) is a publisher established by the Holy See in 1926. It is responsible for publishing official documents of the Roman Catholic Church, including Papal bulls and encyclicals. On 27 June 2015, Pope Francis decreed that the Vatican Publishing House would eventually be incorporated into a newly established Secretariat for Communications in the Roman Curia.

Translation by Virginia M. Forrester

Gabriel Sales

Periodista y especialista en Comunicación y Branding digital. Cinéfilo y crítico de cine y series de televisión.
