Nefarious: Arrives in cinemas in Spain on February 2

Released on April 14 in the USA, it remained in the top 10 at the US box office throughout its first week in theaters

European Dreams Factory presents the poster and trailer for its next film, “Nefarious”, which is scheduled for release in theaters on February 2. The film had a successful premiere in the United States on April 14, remaining in the top 10 at the North American box office throughout its first week in theaters.

Written and directed by Chuck Konzelman and Cary Solomon, it is based on the novel “A Nefarious Plot” by Steve Deace. The latter is one of the executive producers of the film and has already enthusiastically announced the arrival of a sequel in the form of a TV series and a film, inspired by his next novel, “A Nefarious Carol.”

Jordan Belfi, known for his roles in “The Substitutes” and “Moonlight,” plays a psychiatrist faced with the crucial decision of evaluating the sanity of a death row inmate, played by Sean Patrick Flanery (“Dexter” and “The chosen”).

According to the film’s co-director, Chuck Konzelman, with this film, he has sought to reflect “the battle between good and evil” in the real world. On the other hand, Cary Solomon, the other co-director, claims that “many of the film’s production problems were the result of truly diabolical manifestations,” stating that during filming they suffered eight car accidents, equipment failures, and electrical difficulties. , frequent fire alarms and problems with defective cameras, among many other incidents. Additionally, they had the presence of an exorcist on set during the filming of the film.

Alfredo Panadero, marketing director of European Dreams Factory, highlights that “Nefarious” distances itself from the usual stereotypes of this type of horror film, offering, instead, a deeper vision that recalls C. S. Lewis’s approach in “Letters from the devil to his nephew”, work from 1942.

The film invites the viewer to enter the prison room to confront them with the question of the existence of the supernatural and transcendent, God and the devil, in this case, and their influence on the world of creatures.

“Nefarious” challenges the tendency to pigeonhole truth into merely logical criteria, proposing a meticulous theological development that includes fluid and intelligent quotations from Holy Scripture.

The title of the film arises from the conversation between the protagonists, when the psychiatrist interrogates Edward, the recluse, who claims to be a demon called Nefarious that inhabits Edward’s body. Although the psychiatrist initially doubts the veracity of this statement, the plot thickens when Nefarious insists on being executed, revealing a development that is intriguing, absorbing and full of mystery.

The film’s official website is now available, where you can request its theatrical release.


On the day of his scheduled execution, a convicted serial killer is the subject of a last-minute court-ordered psychiatric evaluation. The murderer surprises the psychiatrist by stating that, instead of trying to avoid his fate, he is actually a demon and wants the execution to go ahead. Furthermore, he announces to the doctor that he will commit three murders before he finishes the interview.