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Myanmar Bishops Ask Covid Prayers

People of Myanmar:  Let us Raise Our Hands and Pray

Myanmar Bishops Ask Covid Prayers

In the letter below, the bishops of Myanmar call for a national prayer campaign as Covid threatens the world and their country. The appeal was issued on August 2, 2021, and signed by Cardinal Charles Maung Bo, SDB, President, and Bishop John Saw Yaw Han, Secretary-General, respectively of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Myanmar.


2nd August 2021

People of Myanmar:  Let us raise our hands and pray

Call for National Prayer Campaign as Covid threatens the world and our country

My dear brothers and sisters of Myanmar.

As we sail through many challenges in our lives, experts have warned that the world, including Myanmar, needs to get ready to face the extraordinary challenge from the spiraling virus in the new wave.   The Delta strain is highly contagious.  More infections, more deaths, more need for oxygen.

These are very threatening times for the dignity and survival of our people.   Once again, we plead, unity is needed.  No conflict, no displacement.  The only war we need to wage is against the virus.  Facing this emergency let us arm ourselves only with medical kits, oxygen, and other support to our dear people.  Because of the shortage of human resources, all health workers must be enabled to reach out to the suffering people.

We are not politicians.  We always seek the good of our people.  Through this appeal,  I call upon all people to enter into a campaign of prayer, raising our hands and hearts to the  Almighty, for healing.  Let us come together as one community, let compassion become the common religion in these dark days.   Transcending our various religious and faith identities, let us come together for inter-religious prayer meetings online.  Let us support one another through continuous prayer.

I urge the Catholic Church to have continuous prayers,  adorations, Rosary chains in the families and communities.   Let us knock at the divine doors, to melt the hearts of all people, to bring healing, peace, and reconciliation.

We offer all our people the protection of  God.  Our people’s destiny is more and more in the hands of God as we sail through these stormy seas of fear, despair, anxiety, and pandemic.  Let the divine hand reach out and bless our country and protect our people from the pandemic and all other calamities.

Jesus says: Truly I tell you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” (Mt 17:20). Yes. Our problems press us like mountains. But let us use faith. Let us become prayer warriors; heal ourselves.  Let  God’s healing hand touch everyone and bring health to all our people.

Let us that the campaign of prayer starts now and go on at least for two weeks. Let every heart raise its voice to God to save us all.

+ Cardinal Charles Maung Bo, SDB                                Bishop John Saw Yaw Han

President,                                                                            Secretary-General

Catholic Bishops Conference of Myanmar                    Catholic Bishops Conference of Myanmar