12 March, 2025

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Message of His Beatitude Sviatoslav on 19th Day of Invasion

'Once More This Night Cities and Towns Were Burning in Ukraine'

Message of His Beatitude Sviatoslav on 19th Day of Invasion

The following reflection was presented by His Beatitude Sviatoslav Shevchuk, Major Archbishop of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, on March 14, 2022, reflecting on the 19th day of the invasion of Ukraine.


Once more this night cities and towns were burning in Ukraine. Once more our city of Kyiv was wounded. Once more Russian bombs and rockets fell on the heads of peaceful Ukrainians who were trying to rest this night.

But Ukraine is standing. Ukraine is fighting. Ukraine is witnessing that the power of the spirit can be stronger than the strength of foreign, aggressive weaponry. The Ukrainian people are witnessing their right to exist, to their right to freedom, to their right to be themselves.

Today I would like to thank very much all those who in various parts of Europe and the world, particularly during this past weekend, went out on the squares and streets of the capitals of their countries, their cities, in order to manifest their sharp “No!” to Russia’s aggression against Ukraine.

I want to thank very much all those who feel their closeness to the suffering people of Ukraine. We understand that in these circumstances there cannot be a neutral position, because the one who remains silent, the one who does not condemn this war, becomes an accomplice to this crime, becomes an accomplice to aggression and murder of innocent people in Ukraine.

Therefore I thank very much all those who, together with Ukraine, fight for the right of the world to exist peacefully in a new time.

I also want to thank very much the Holy Father, Pope Francis, who once more yesterday stood in defense of the cities of the martyrs of Ukraine, in defense of the martyred city of Mariupol, where once more this night and throughout all of yesterday more than a hundred people died.

I want to thank all the leaders of countries, governments, members of the international community for their search for a peaceful solution in Ukraine, all those who search for mechanisms to end this war.

It is evident that the time for declarations, the time for establishing principles and other concepts, has passed. We need to look for mechanisms to stop the war.

In these days, I would like to encourage all those who are hearing us to pray for those who are seeking diplomatic means to end the war in Ukraine.

May the Lord God grant wisdom. Wisdom to those who are looking for this solution. Wisdom to those who through diplomatic means are trying to find opportunities for dialogue and to end this aggression. I call upon all of you: Do not remain silent, do not be bystanders, do not be criminal accomplices!

We, the children of Ukraine, children of the Ukrainian Church, are living in the time of Great Lent. We remember how Jesus Christ said to His disciples that this kind of evil spirit can be cast out through prayer and fasting. Therefore I encourage everyone to pray and fast in order to cast out the evil spirit of war in Ukraine and from all those who are its bearers.

Let us fast and pray for an end to the war in Ukraine. Each one in their own way, as each one knows, as each one is able. In Ukraine and abroad let us pray and fast for an end to this bloodshed.

May the merciful Lord hear our prayers, may he send his angels of light to stop the darkness that is advancing upon Ukraine.

O God, bless the Ukrainian army, our boys and girls who are defending our homeland and our peace! O God, look down upon the pain and suffering of Your people. O God, rescue Ukraine! In You, we hope, and of You, we boast. O God, bless all of us!

May the blessing of the Lord be upon you through His grace and love for humankind, always, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Glory to Jesus Christ!

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