Meeting between the Roman Curia and the German bishops on synodality

Joint statement from the Holy See and the German Episcopal Conference

By the wishes of Pope Francis, representatives of the Roman Curia and the German Episcopal Conference met, on June 28, 2024, in the Vatican to continue talks. This continues the dialogue, which began with the ad limina visit of the German bishops in November 2022 and continued until the last meeting on March 22, 2024.

Concrete ways of exercising synodality

The dialogue, which lasted all day, was once again characterized by a positive, open, and constructive atmosphere. The basis was the agreement of March 22, 2024, which provides for the elaboration of concrete forms of exercise of synodality in the Church in Germany, by the ecclesiology of the Second Vatican Council, the provisions of Canon Law, and the fruits of the Synod of the universal Church to be presented to the Holy See for approval (recognitio).

The meeting of the Synod Committee

In the exchange, the bishops reported on the last meeting of the Synod Committee – a temporary working body – in which the theological foundations and the possibility of the legal realization of a national synodal body were discussed. The meeting focused on the relationship between the exercise of the episcopal ministry and the promotion of co-responsibility of all the faithful and, in particular, on aspects of canon law for the establishment of a concrete form of synodality in the Church in Germany. The desire and commitment to reinforce synodality in the life of the Church is shared with a view to more effective evangelization.

Changes in the proposal for a national synodal body

A Commission created by the Synodal Committee – the statement continues – will address the issues of synodality and the structure of a synodal body. It will work in close contact with a similar Commission made up of representatives of the competent Dicasteries to develop a project. For the representatives of the Roman Curia, two important aspects were raised: they want the name to be modified and several aspects of the proposal formulated previously regarding a possible national synodal body. Regarding the location of this body, there is agreement that it is neither above nor at the same level as the Episcopal Conference.

The next conversations after the Synod

The question of the future composition of the delegation of the German Episcopal Conference was also discussed in the dialogue between representatives of the Roman Curia and the Episcopal Conference itself. The conversations will continue after the conclusion of the Synod of the Universal Church and other anthropological, ecclesiological and liturgical topics will also be discussed.


For the Roman Curia, cardinals Victor Manuel Fernandéz, Kurt Koch, Pietro Parolin, Robert F. Prevost, OSA, Arthur Roche and Archbishop Filippo Iannone were present. On behalf of the German episcopate, bishops Georg Bätzing, Stephan Ackermann, Bertram Meier and Franz-Josef Overbeck, respectively president of the CET and president of the Episcopal Commissions for the Liturgy, for the Universal Church and for the Faith, as well as the general secretary, Beate Gilles, and the spokesperson of the Episcopal Conference, Matthias Kopp.