Master, don’t you care that we perish?: Commentary Fr. Jorge Miró

Sunday June 23, 2024


Father Jorge Miró shares with the readers of Exaudi his commentary on the Gospel of this Sunday, June 23, 2024, entitled “Master, do you not care that we perish?”


In the gospel, we contemplate how a strong storm surprises the disciples sailing towards the other shore of the Lake of Galilee, while Jesus is asleep. The disciples wake up Jesus and say to him: Master, do you not care that we perish?

This is a Word that describes the existential situation in which we often find ourselves and invites us to trust in the Lord. And to invoke him amid the storm.

The storm is a sign of our vulnerability, that we are poor and in need of salvation. A sign that we cannot put our security and trust in ourselves.

The storm is a sign of the Church’s march through the world in the midst of difficulties and storms that can lead us to fear, discouragement and hopelessness.

The Word invites us to lift our eyes and shout to the Lord, to place our security and our trust in God.

Jesus Christ is Lord of history – and of your history, and only his presence is capable of making the boat reach the other shore.

Therefore, this Word invites us to live in trust. In the midst of the difficulties, the combats, the persecutions, the doubts…, in the middle of your concrete story there is the Lord, who today says to your fear: Silence, be mute! And to you: Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?

Do not be afraid or scandalized by your weakness. From it, invoke the Holy Spirit every day, so that he gives you the power to see the Lord beyond appearances and with the gift of strength you can fight the battle of faith and experience the victory of Jesus Christ over your fears.

Because the Risen Lord is with you every day, until the end of time. He is faithful and never stops loving you.

We sing it in the Psalm: they cried out to the Lord in their distress, and he rescued them from tribulation. He calmed the storm into a gentle breeze, and the waves of the sea became silent… and he led them to the longed-for port.

You too, if you believe, you will see the glory of God!

Come, Holy Spirit!