Lourdes and its national pilgrimage: 150 years of history
The theme of the traditional pilgrimage to the Marian shrine of Pirenei is "Building together on rock"

The French national pilgrimage to the shrine of Lourdes, which takes place annually on the solemnity of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, has reached its 150th anniversary. For five days, between 6 and 10 thousand people gather at the grotto of Massabielle, under the motto “Together, we build on the rock”. This pilgrimage focuses on accompanying the sick and encouraging reflection through various themes, such as historical pilgrimages, the Synod on Synodality, care for the environment and end-of-life issues.
The French national pilgrimage and the Lourdes Shrine have become an important means of communication between the Church and the faithful, fostering dialogue and exchange. Father Michel Daubanes, Rector of the Shrine, noted that attendance figures are recovering after the Covid-19 pandemic, with a remarkable turnout during the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes in February.
The 150th anniversary of the pilgrimage is being celebrated in a special way, with the focus on the pastoral theme of the Shrine: building together on the rock that is Christ. Activities include conferences, catechesis and moments of interaction. The renewed enthusiasm of the pilgrims, including young groups from World Youth Day, is highlighted this year.
The programme covers various themes, also addressing environmental and end-of-life issues. The Lourdes Shrine presents itself as a privileged channel of communication between the Church and the faithful, demanding answers to the questions of today’s society and promoting synodality. The participation of everyone, from the cleaning staff to the rector, contributes to the well-being of pilgrims and strengthens their faith.

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