Life-changing lessons: A special thank you to my parents

Life-changing lessons: A special thank you to my parents


Dear Mom and Dad,

At a time when life moves so fast and daily obligations seem to consume every minute, I feel compelled to stop and express something I have been feeling deeply. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the valuable teachings you have passed on to me over the years. Although you are often busy with work and other responsibilities, the impact of your actions and values ​​has been undeniable in my life and those of my siblings.

Admiration and Care for the Small

Since I was little, you taught me to appreciate the small things, every detail. I remember how you always stopped to admire the beauty in everyday life, from a crayon drawing to a smile or the bright eyes of one of my younger siblings. This attention to detail has taught me not to take life’s small blessings for granted. You have taught me that true beauty and value are found in the simplest things, and this has enriched my perspective and appreciation for the world around me.

Service to Others

One of the greatest legacies you have left me is the value of service. Although your days are full of work and commitments, you never let this stop you from helping others. Your willingness to serve and be generous with your time and resources has inspired me to do the same. You have taught me that serving others is a way to live fully and contribute positively to society.

Ambition to Learn

Your love of learning and education has been one of the main motivating forces in my life. You have always sought out opportunities to learn and grow, and this has planted in me an ambition to continue learning and expanding my knowledge. You have taught me that learning never stops, and this mindset has led me to always seek to improve and overcome my own limits.

Time Management

Efficient time management is another important lesson. Despite your busy schedules, you always managed to balance work with family time and attention to your responsibilities. This example has helped me value time and use it productively, prioritizing what really matters and ensuring that each day counts, that each day serves a purpose, that each day I do something that helps others get closer to God.

A Job Well Done Offered to God

Finally, the value you give to a job well done and how you offer it to God has been the fundamental lesson. You taught me that work is not just an obligation, but an opportunity to glorify God through your actions. Your work ethic and the way you seek to do things with excellence and dedication have guided me on my own path, always reminding me of the importance of offering the best of oneself in everything we do.

Even though your days are full of busyness, each of these teachings has been a compass that guides and inspires me daily. Thank you for being the example I needed, for your unconditional love, and for everything you have given me. Your effort and dedication have not gone unnoticed, and I am deeply grateful for everything you have done and continue to do for me, for my brothers, for the family.

With all my love and gratitude,

Your son

*anonymous letter received at Exaudi