Let’s Walk Together in Hope: Pope Francis’ Message for Lent 2025
Lent as a journey of faith, hope and mutual accompaniment

Pope Francis has just shared his message for this year’s Lent, and he invites us to reflect on the true meaning of this liturgical time. This is a good time to ask for prayers for the Pope, so that the Lord may give him comfort and strength in his pastoral work, especially in his state of health. Let’s begin by taking some time to pray for him and the Church.
The Pope’s message has as its motto “Let’s walk together in hope.” This is a simple title, but full of meaning, which invites us to reflect on three fundamental aspects: walking, togetherness, and hope.
Life is a pilgrimage towards heaven, and Lent is part of this journey towards Easter. Along the way, we face difficulties: hunger, cold, tiredness, pain. Likewise, in Christian life, we face challenges. The Pope invites us to ask ourselves if we are walking comfortably in a comfort zone or if, on the contrary, we have committed ourselves to helping others. The Gospel teaches us: “If someone asks you to go a mile, go with him two” (Mt 5:41). It is not just a matter of helping sporadically, but of accompanying the other on his journey.
The Pope reflects on the importance of living with others, especially those with whom we share our lives: family, friends, coworkers. Often, we worry about our own spiritual needs, but how do we help those who are close to us? Perhaps our mission is to lead them to Christ, in a patient and unhurried way, respecting God’s timing, but being aware that our Christian life should not be limited only to our concerns.
The Pope, citing the Catechism of the Church, reminds us that hope is the “anchor of the soul.” This hope sustains us, knowing that we are going towards eternal glory. But it is also important to live this hope actively, as a disposition of the soul that impels us to act. We not only hope for heaven, but we also await the coming of Christ, knowing that He will return in His glory. Living with hope means doing everything possible so that Christ reigns in our lives and in our surroundings. Speaking of Christ as King should not be something strange, but a lived reality, especially in our parishes.
This message from Pope Francis for Lent 2025 is an invitation to take advantage of this time of grace to reflect, accompany and live with active hope. May we share this reflection and live a Holy Lent, walking together towards Easter.
May the Lord bless us in this time of preparation and spiritual renewal.

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