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Let yourself be found by the Lord! He will give you the Holy Spirit!: Commentary Fr. Jorge Miró

Sunday, July 21, 2024, 16th of Ordinary Time

Let yourself be found by the Lord! He will give you the Holy Spirit!: Commentary Fr. Jorge Miró

Father Jorge Miró shares with Exaudi readers his commentary on this Gospel, Sunday, July 21, 2024, titled “Let yourself be found by the Lord! He will give you the Holy Spirit!”


The Word of God that we proclaim today tells us that Jesus felt sorry for the people because he saw that they were exhausted and abandoned, disoriented, like sheep without a shepherd.

Jesus has a look of compassion on his people, on your life, on your sufferings. His heart is full of mercy. He is the Good Shepherd who gives his life for his sheep, for you, so that you may have life and life in abundance.

Today we can also live disoriented, confused, dizzy, aimless, living a meaningless life, without a goal in life. We can live, as Pope Francis says, like existential wanderers, walking towards nowhere.

But the Word gives us good news. The Lord says: I will gather the rest of my sheepI will give them sheperds to sheperd them. They will no longer fear fear or be dismayed, and none will be lostI will raise a legitimate offspring for David. And that good Shepherd is Jesus Christ, who carries all your ailments.

And he continues telling us the Word: Come yourselves to a quiet place. For what? For what we have sung in the Hallelujah: My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.

The Word invites us to be with the Lord. Not to sleep, but to listen, to open your heart, to cry, to rest. Don’t be afraid to cry with the Lord! Those that cry are blissful, because they shall be comforted.

To be with Him, to receive the gift of the Spirit from Him that makes you fall in love with Jesus Christ, makes you live in His will and brings you closer to the Father, transfigures your sufferings and gives you the ability to see the love of God in the midst of your life.

The comforting Spirit, who changes your mourning into dance, who makes you sing: The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing (because I have You, Lord), even if I walk through dark glens, I fear nothing (because You come with me, Lord). You anoint my head with perfume and my cup overflows.

To live the presence of the Lord every day. You’re not alone! The Lord is with you: Your goodness and your mercy accompany me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for years without end.

Cheer up! Give your sufferings to the Lord. No one loves you like He does! Cheer up! Let yourself be found by the Lord! He will give you the Holy Spirit!

Do you live disoriented? Who do you follow in your daily life? Cheer up! Even if you are far away, Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd, loves you, waits for you, seeks you… Let yourself be found and follow him! It’s worth it!

Come Holy Spirit! (cf. Luke 11, 13).

Jorge Miró

Sacerdote de la archidiócesis de Valencia y profesor en la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas, Económicas y Sociales de la Universidad Católica de Valencia