11 March, 2025

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“Let us pray the Rosary, asking the Blessed Virgin for peace”

The Holy Father's words after the Marian prayer

“Let us pray the Rosary, asking the Blessed Virgin for peace”
Vatican Media

Pope Francis, after the Regina Caeli prayer this Sunday, 7 May 2023, asked in this prayer to pray the Rosary asking the Blessed Virgin for the gift of peace,

These are the Pope’s words after the Marian prayer, provided by the Holy See Press Office:


After the Regina Caeli

Dear brothers and sisters!

Yesterday two Beatifications were celebrated. In Montevideo, in Uruguay, Bishop Jacinto Vera, who lived in the nineteenth century, was beatified. A pastor who took care of his people, he bore witness to the Gospel with generous missionary zeal, promoting social reconciliation in the tense atmosphere of the civil war. In Granada, in Spain, the young Maria de la Concepción Barrechegurn y García was beatified. Confined to bed by a serious illness, she bore her sufferings with great spiritual fortitude, inspiring admiration and consolation in all. She died in 1927 at the age of 22. A round of applause to the two Blesseds!

I heartily greet you all, Romans and pilgrims from Italy and many countries, in particular the faithful from Australia, Spain, England and students from Saint Thomas College in Lisbon.

I greet the Meter Association and its founder Don Fortunato Di Noto, who continue their commitment to preventing and combating violence against minors; today they celebrate the 27th Day of Child Victims; for 30 years they have been defending childhood from abuse and violence. I am close to you, brothers and sisters, and I accompany you with my prayers and affection. Never tire of being on the side of the victim, there is the Christ Child waiting for you, thank you!

I greet the group of fibromyalgia patients of the Medical Area of the Vicariate of Rome; the Sisters of Saint Joseph Benedict Cottolengo; the Lay Association of Mercy; the Lay Camillian Family; the faithful of Pozzuoli, Caraglio and Valle Grana; and the choirs of Empoli and Ponte Buggianese.

A special greeting goes to the new Swiss Guards, their families and friends, and the Swiss authorities who took part in celebrating this distinguished Corps. A round of applause for the Guards, everyone!

Tomorrow in Pompeii the traditional Supplication to Our Lady of the Rosary will be raised, in the Shrine which Blessed Bartolo Longo wished to dedicate to peace. In this month of May let us pray the Rosary, asking the Blessed Virgin for the gift of peace, especially for beleaguered Ukraine. May the leaders of nations listen to the desire of the people who suffer and who want peace!

I wish everyone a good Sunday. Please do not forget to pray for me. Enjoy your meal, and arrivederci!


Exaudi Staff