12 March, 2025

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Let us pray, for prayer is the gentle force that protects and sustains the world

The Pope's request after the Angelus

Let us pray, for prayer is the gentle force that protects and sustains the world
Vatican Media - archive photo

In his words after the Angelus, the Pope asks us not to neglect the other wars, unfortunately often forgotten, and the many conflicts and misunderstandings that fill many places on earth with blood.

After the Angelus

Dear brothers and sisters,

even during summertime, let us not tire of praying for peace, especially for the people of Ukraine who are so beleaguered. And let us not neglect the other wars so often unfortunately forgotten, and the numerous conflicts and clashes that stain many parts of the world with blood. There are so many wars today. Let us take an interest in what is happening, let us help those who suffer and let us pray, because prayer is the gentle strength that protects and sustains the world.

I greet all of you, faithful from Rome and from various countries and places in Italian; in particular, the Sisters of Saint Joseph Benedict Cottolengo, the young Confirmation candidates from Ibiza and Formentera, the children from the Pastoral Unit of Tremignon and Vaccarino in Vicenza. I also greet the “Saint Mauro Group” from Cavarzere and the kindergarten “Our Lady of Olmo” from Verdellino. And I greet the members of the Immaculata group.

I hope you all have a good Sunday and, please, do not forget to pray for me. Enjoy your lunch and arrivederci!


Exaudi Staff