12 March, 2025

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“Let us pray for peace!”

The Holy Father's words after the Marian prayer

“Let us pray for peace!”
Greece, Syrian refugee finds brother among survivors (ANSA) - Vatican News

After the Angelus, the Pope prayed for the victims of the shipwreck off the coast of Greece and the young students, victims of the brutal attack on a school in western Uganda, and finally stressed to persevere in prayer for the people of the tormented Ukraine.

After the Angelus

Dear brothers and sisters,

Next Tuesday, 20 June, will be the World Day of Refugees, organized by the United Nations: with great sorrow and heartache I think of the victims of the serious shipwreck that occurred in recent days off the coast of Greece. And it seemed as though the sea were calm. I reiterate my prayer for those who have lost their lives, and I implore that everything possible always be done to prevent similar tragedies.

And I pray also for the young students, victims of the brutal attack against a school in the west of Uganda. This battle, this war everywhere… let us pray for peace!

I greet you all, Romans and pilgrims from Italy and many other countries, especially the faithful of Florida and Munich. I greet the “Saint John Paul II” School of Opole, Poland, and the “Saint Philip Neri” School of London.

I also greet the groups from Zogno, Guardiagrele and Poggiomarino, as well as the “Rosario Scardigno” School of Molfetta. And I also greet the sisters of Maria Bambina who are watching the Angelus.

Let us persevere in prayer for the population of tormented Ukraine – let us not forget them! – who suffer greatly.

I wish you all a blessed Sunday, and please, do not forget to pray for me. Enjoy your lunch, and arrivederci!

Exaudi Staff