Leaving everything, they followed him: Commentary by Fr. Jorge Miró
Sunday, February 9, 2025

Fr. Jorge Miró shares with the readers of Exaudi his commentary on the Gospel of this Sunday, February 9, 2025, entitled “Leaving everything, they followed him.”
The Word that the Lord gives us today invites us to discover one of the deepest truths of our lives: you are not a god; you are a creature. In the being of man, everything is a call, a vocation, a gift. Therefore, everything is a mission, everything is a sending.
And, therefore, the attitude of each day is to listen, trust, obey the Lord.
The first reading has shown us the vocation of Isaiah, who finds himself before the ineffable mystery of God and, although he is initially disconcerted by his poverty, upon experiencing God’s forgiveness and the gratuitousness of the call, he can say: Here I am, send me.
In the second reading, we contemplate the same experience of St. Paul. The call is gratuitous: I am the least of the apostles, and I am not worthy to be called an apostle, because I have persecuted the Church of God. But by the grace of God I am what I am.
And also in the Gospel: Then they pulled the boats ashore and, leaving everything, followed him.
In order to respond to this call, we must listen, have intimacy with the Lord. Like Isaiah and like St. Paul: he appeared to me too. He had a personal encounter with the Lord. Like in the Gospel: the people gathered around him to hear the word of God.
And, in addition to listening, we must trust: Master, we have toiled all night and have caught nothing; but, at your word, I will let down the nets.
To follow Jesus, to be a disciple, you need to do like the disciples in the Gospel: leaving everything, they followed him. You need to leave your criteria, your desires, your cravings, your way of seeing things… to follow Jesus and let Him lead your life. Even though sometimes, it may seem as unreasonable as casting your nets in the morning.
Being a Christian is following Jesus. Not following yourself, nor following the world.
It is asking Him every day: Lord, what do you want from me? How do you want me to live today? Where and when do you want me to cast my nets? It is letting Him be Lord of your life, of your whole life!
This is the main part of conversion.
The Lord invites you today to listen to this call: Follow me! Do not be afraid! If you see yourself poor, small, a sinner… Great!
That is why Jesus came. The kingdom of God belongs to the poor, to the little ones… to those who cannot trust in their own strength because they are so few!, to those who experience their poverty and weakness every day… because they are the ones who open themselves most easily to the action of the Holy Spirit, because for Him nothing is impossible…
Come Holy Spirit!

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