Laudato Si’ Platform: The Pope’s Message
7-Year Path to Sustainability

Today, May 25, 2021, on the occasion of the launching of the Laudato Si’ Platform, Pope Francis sent a Video-Message in which he points out that this initiative is “a 7-year path in which our communities will make an effort in different ways to be able to be totally sustainable, in the spirit of integral ecology.”
The Laudato Si’ Platform is a program that intends to involve the entire Catholic world, in a process of ecological conversion, in keeping with the spirit of the Laudato Si’ encyclical and of integral ecology.
Seven Realities
The Holy Father invites everyone “to undertake this path together and, in particular, I address these seven realities: families, parishes and dioceses, schools and Universities, hospitals, businesses and agricultural estates, organizations, groups and Movements, Religious Institutions,” to “work together,” as only in this way will we be able to create the future we want: a more inclusive, fraternal peaceful and sustainable world.”
In this path, which will last seven years, “we will allow ourselves to be guided by the seven objectives of Laudato Si’, which will indicate the direction to us while we pursue the vision of an integral ecology: the answer to the cry of the Earth, the answer to the cry of the poor, an ecological economy, the adoption of a simple lifestyle, ecological education, ecological spirituality and community commitment,” highlighted the Pontiff.
“There is hope. We can all collaborate, each one with his own culture and experience; each one with his own initiatives and capacities so that our mother Earth recovers her original beauty and Creation shines again in keeping with God’s plan,” he added.
End of the Laudato Si’ Year
At the beginning of his address, the Pope recalls that with the encyclical Laudato Si’, promulgated in 2015, he “invited all people of good will to take care of the Earth, which is our common home.” According to the Pope, “an integral human ecology “is necessary, “which entails not only environmental questions but man in his totality, being able to listen to the cry of the poor and to be leaven for a new society.”
Hence, the Bishop of Rome calls to responsibility and renews his appeal: “let us take care of our mother Earth; let us overcome the temptation of egoism that makes us predators of the resources; let us cultivate respect for the gifts of the Earth and of Creation; let us inaugurate a lifestyle and a society that are finally eco-sustainable. We have the opportunity to prepare a better tomorrow for all. We have received a garden from God’s hands; we cannot leave our children a desert”
Pope Francis also refers to the proclamation of the Laudato Si’ Year on May 24, 2020, which closed yesterday. “I thank all those that celebrated this year with so many initiatives.”
The following is the Vatican-provided English text of the Pope’s video message:
Video Message of the Holy Father
Dear brothers and sisters,
With the Encyclical Laudato si’, promulgated in 2015, I invited all people of good will to take care of the Earth, which is our common home. For a long time now, this house that hosts us suffers as a result of wounds that we cause by our predatory attitude, which makes us feel that we are masters of the planet and its resources, and authorises us to make irresponsible use of the goods God has given us. Nowadays, these wounds manifest themselves dramatically in an ecological crisis without precedent, which affects the ground, the air, water and, in general, the ecosystem in which human beings live. The current pandemic has now brought to light in an even stronger way the cry of nature and that of the poor who suffer most the consequences, highlighting that everything is interconnected and interdependent and that our health is not separated from the health of the environment in which we live.
Therefore, we need a new ecological approach, that can transform our way of dwelling in the world, our styles of life, our relationship with the resources of the Earth and, in general, our way of looking at humanity and of living life. An integral human ecology, that involves not only environmental questions but also mankind in his entirety, that becomes capable of listening to the cry of the poor and of being leaven for a new society.
We have a great responsibility, especially with regard to the future generations. What world do we want to leave to our children and our young? Our selfishness, our indifference and our irresponsible ways are threatening the future of our children! I therefore renew my appeal: let us take care of our mother Earth, So I renew my appeal: let us take care of our mother Earth, let us overcome the temptation of selfishness that makes us predators of resources, let us cultivate respect for the gifts of the Earth and creation, let us inaugurate a lifestyle and a society that is finally eco-sustainable: we have the opportunity to prepare a better tomorrow for all. From God’s hands we have received a garden, we cannot leave a desert to our children.
In this context, on 24 May 2020 I proclaimed the Laudato si’ Year, the organisation of which was entrusted to the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development. I thank all those who have celebrated this year with many initiatives. Today I am pleased to announce that the Laudato si’ Year will result in a concrete action project, the Laudato si’ Action Platform, a seven-year journey that will see our communities committed in different ways to becoming totally sustainable, in the spirit of integral ecology.
I would therefore invite everyone to embark on this journey together, and in particular I address these seven environments: families – parishes and dioceses – schools and universities – hospitals – businesses and farms – organisations, groups and movements – religious institutes. Work together. Only in this way will we be able to create the future we want: a more inclusive, fraternal, peaceful and sustainable world.
On a journey that will last for seven years, we will let ourselves be guided by the seven aims of Laudato si’, which will show us the direction while we pursue the vision of integral ecology: the response to the cry of the Earth, the response to the cry of the poor, the ecological economy, the adoption of a simple way of life, ecological education, ecological spirituality and community engagement.
There is hope. We can all collaborate, each one with his own culture and experience, each one with her own initiatives and capacities, so that our mother Earth may be restored to her original beauty and creation may once again shine according to God’s plan.
God bless each one of you, and bless our mission to rebuild out common home. Thank you.
[Vatican-provided text]
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