10 March, 2025

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Laudato Si’ Movement opens registration for the Animators program

The leadership training course is aimed at those who want to contribute to their communities' ecological conversion, following the teachings of Pope Francis' encyclical Laudato Si' and the Magisterium of the Church

Laudato Si’ Movement opens registration for the Animators program

(Rome, 05/08/2022). The Laudato Si’ Movement has opened registration for the Laudato Si’ Animators course, which aims to train and inspire Catholic leaders from all over the world in the various aspects of integral ecology. 

Following the great reception of previous versions, Laudato Si’ Movement’s new leadership training program will be available online and free of charge. The English version of the course will begin on August 24 and end on October 12. Meanwhile, the Italian training program runs from August 24 to October 4, while the Portuguese training program begins on August 23 and ends on October 22. Lastly, there will be a Spanish version that begins on October 4 and ends on November 26.

The curriculum is aimed at all those who seek to put themselves at the service of their communities according to the teachings of Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’ and the Magisterium of the Church. With theoretical and practical content, this new edition will be divided into four modules that aim to explain what is happening to our common home; to understand  the text of Laudato Si’ in depth and to achieve a commitment to personal ecological conversion on the part of the new leaders attending the course.

As Pope Francis says in his encyclical, “«Everyone’s talents and involvement are needed to redress the damage caused by human abuse of God’s creation.» All of us can cooperate as instruments of God for the care of creation” (LS 14).

In line with the Holy Father’s request in his recent message for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, the Senior Manager of the Laudato Si’ Animators Program, Erin Lothes, said: “This is a spiritual formation course and leadership training so that we can take action to defend our common home. We are facing a serious climate crisis, and we must do something urgently.” 

Meanwhile, the Coordinator of Laudato Si’ Animators in Spanish, Diego López, recalled that “with these actions we are responding to the call of Pope Francis, by which we can all be part of the care of our common home.” In this sense, he emphasized that “those who participate in the training will become part of the global community of Catholics who work for the care of our common home.”

So far over 30,000 people from around the world have participated in the Laudato Si’ Animators program, of whom about 10,000 have been certified (completed the course and passed the final assignment) and are already working in their communities, associations or parishes to bring Laudato Si’ to life. Those who are trained as animators will become part of a worldwide movement of Catholics who share prayer and action to protect God’s creation.

More information about the course and registration



Movimiento Laudato Si'