Jubilee Year of Hope: Rediscover the transformative power of the family
This Jubilee invites us to value the family as the greatest treasure, transmitting faith, love and hope from generation to generation

Discover how the Jubilee Year of Hope invites us to value the treasure of the family, transmitting it as a legacy from generation to generation.
This year has been proclaimed the Jubilee Year of Hope, and it is the perfect opportunity to rediscover how this virtue can transform our family life. Having hope in the family is not just an ideal, but a deep conviction: believing that, despite its imperfections and challenges, the family is the greatest asset we possess. It is that corner of the world where we are loved as we are, without masks or conditions.
Hope in the family implies trusting that, even if our children go through difficult or rebellious moments, with our prayers and patience, they will find their way back. Not only to the physical home but also to the spiritual one.
Someone once advised me to pray the Holy Rosary for that child who seems lost, asking the guardian angel to accompany us during the prayer. Because hope is that: trusting that no prayer goes unanswered. Even if we do not see the fruits immediately, we know that God works silently, preparing the ground for that beloved child to find the way back.
The transforming power of hope
Hope is not limited only to our children. It is also the certainty that marriages can overcome life’s trials, supported by love, patience and understanding. It is believing that in-laws, often a source of tension, can become bridges of union, promoting harmony and mutual respect.
Likewise, it is having the certainty that each new life that comes into our family is a gift from God, a sign of His infinite trust in us. Each child is not only the future of the family, but a fundamental piece in God’s plan for eternity.
Hope also sustains us in economic difficulties. Trusting that God has a plan, even in scarcity, and that He will give us the necessary solutions at the right time. In the same way, when illness knocks on the door of our home, hope helps us grow, strengthen our ties and value what really matters.
And, above all, hope is knowing that no prayer goes unnoticed. Because a family that prays together, stays together.
The eternal value of the family
When God sent His Son into the world, He did not choose a palace or the luxury of a comfortable life. He did not wait for medical advances such as penicillin or a time of greater well-being. Instead, He chose a family. A simple, humble family, but full of faith and love, capable of protecting and caring for the Savior of the world.
With this gesture, God teaches us that the family is the nucleus where values are forged, where we find the strength to face adversity and where we experience the unconditional love that reflects His own love for us.
Therefore, if there is anything in which we should have hope, it is in the family. Because, despite the difficulties, it is in the family that we find our true home, and it is through the family that God continues to work in the world.

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