Jubilee 2025 – Bishop Fisichella: 32 million pilgrims are expected

The ‘Holy Doors’ will only be in Rome, and if the Pope were to resign, the Holy Year would be suspended

32 million pilgrims are expected to arrive in Rome on the occasion of Jubilee 2025, which will begin with the opening on December 24 of this year of the Holy Door in St. Peter’s Basilica.

Of them, 2.5 million will be from the United States, 1.4 million from Germany, almost a million from Great Britain. About 250 thousand people from Argentina, and a similar number from Brazil, but also from Muslim countries like Turkey, with 86 thousand. These data are according to projections made by the statistics department of the Roma Tre University.

This was indicated by the pro-prefect of the Congregation for the New Evangelization, Mons. Rino Fisichella, in a press conference given this week at the “Associazione Stampa Estera in Italia”, and added that it is also expected, in addition to these figures, that “many tourists become pilgrims.”

Building works already started

In the Eternal City, construction sites and works, but also minor restorations, are in full development. In total there are 168, indicated Monsignor Fisichella, some of which are large, such as the esplanade that will connect the ‘Castel Sant’Angelo’ with the ‘Via della Conciliazione’, making this entire stretch pedestrian and making the thousands of cars that They passed through there every hour, whether they did so through a tunnel or bypass. For works related to the Jubilee, the government has made available almost one billion euros and the same amount comes from Europe as part of the support plan for Italy, called PNRR.

The health of the Pontiff

Regarding the health of the Holy Father, 87 years old, His Excellency assured: “Pope Francis is very strong, fortunately, and has already subscribed and signed all the commitments on the calendar that I presented to him months ago.” Without forgetting that at the recent World Children’s Day, both in the Olympic Stadium and in St. Peter’s Square, “we were able to confirm the Pontiff’s great capacity for dialogue and resistance.” He added that the Successor of Peter, in addition to “the Wednesday audiences, will also hold extraordinary audiences on some Saturdays.”

“If the Pope resigned, he would cease the Jubilee”

Responding to a question from EXAUDI about what would happen if the Pope resigned, Monsignor Fisichella said: “I am not a canonist but a theologian… but the Jubilee would cease.” This is because “the heads of the dicasteries, we, cease our functions and once the Pope sets a resignation date, all the heads of departments cease their functions.”

The Jubilee in the various dioceses of the world

Regarding the Jubilee in the various dioceses of the world, he assured that a lot will depend on the initiative of the bishops, and recalled that each Episcopal Conference has a representative in Rome, before the Dicastery of the New Evangelization, so that many events can coincide with the that are celebrated in the Eternal City.

Holy Door only in Rome

Regarding the ‘Porta Santa’, the person responsible for organizing the Jubilee specified that the Holy Doors will not be in other cities, but only in the four papal basilicas of the Eternal City: Saint Peter in the Vatican, Saint John Lateran (the cathedral church of Rome), Saint Paul outside the walls and ‘Santa Maria Maggiore’.

The various events on the program

Among the Jubilee events, the presence of various heads of state and government is scheduled from June 20 to 22, so the person responsible for organizing the events considered that this “could be a great opportunity to call on the dimension of the created, but also a moment to talk about peace.” He added that the various programs prepared for the Jubilee will be presented to Pope Francis on June 6 for approval.

The prelate also invited to read the jubilee convocation bull, SPES NON CONFUNDIT, “a Magna Carta that expresses its thoughts,” he said.



The 36 dates of the Jubilee of 2025

From Christmas 2024 to December 14, 2025, 36 specific dates will be dedicated, including those for communicators, the armed forces, artists, volunteer deacons, the sick, young people, migrants, and even prisoners.

The particular dates of the Jubilee:

Year 2024

  • December 24, 2024: opening of the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica

Year 2025

  • January 24: the Jubilee of the World of Communication
  • February 8: Jubilee of the Armed Forces, police and security forces.
  • February 16: the Jubilee of Artists
  • February 21: Deacons Jubilee
  • March 8: the Jubilee of the world of volunteers
  • March 28: 24 hours for the Lord
  • March 28: Jubilee of the Missionaries of Mercy
  • April 5: the Jubilee of the sick and the world of healthcare
  • April 25: Teenage Jubilee
  • April 28: the Jubilee of people with disabilities
  • May 1: Workers’ Jubilee
  • May 4: the Jubilee of businessmen
  • May 10: Jubilee of musical bands
  • May 18: the Jubilee of the brotherhoods
  • May 24: Children’s Jubilee
  • May 30: the Jubilee of families
  • June 7: the Jubilee of movements, associations and new communities
  • June 9: the Jubilee of the Holy See
  • June 14: the Jubilee of sport
  • June 20: Jubilee of rulers
  • June 23: Jubilee of seminarians
  • June 25: the Bishops’ Jubilee
  • June 26: the Jubilee of priests
  • June 28: the Jubilee of the Eastern Churches
  • July 28: Youth Jubilee
  • September 15: the Jubilee of Consolation
  • September 20: Jubilee of Justice workers
  • September 26: the Jubilee of catechists
  • October 5: the Jubilee of migrants
  • October 8: the Jubilee of consecrated life
  • October 11: the Jubilee of Marian spirituality
  • October 18: the Jubilee of the missionary world
  • October 30: the Jubilee of the educational world
  • November 16: the Jubilee of the poor
  • November 21: Jubilee of choirs and choirs
  • December 14: the Prisoners’ Jubilee


