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Jesus was baptized: Commentary by Fr. Jorge Miró

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Jesus was baptized: Commentary by Fr. Jorge Miró

Fr. Jorge Miró shares with the readers of Exaudi his commentary on the Gospel of this Sunday, January 12, 2025, entitled “Jesus was baptized.”

With the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, which we celebrate today, the liturgical time of Christmas concludes.

The baptism of Jesus is the acceptance and inauguration of his mission as a suffering Servant. He allows himself to be counted among sinners; he is already “the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world”; he already anticipates the “baptism” of his death on the cross.

He submits himself entirely to the will of his Father: out of love, he accepts the baptism of death for the remission of our sins. The voice of the Father who places all his complacency in his Son responds to this acceptance.

The Spirit that Jesus possesses in fullness from his conception comes to “rest” upon him. This Spirit will flow from him for all humanity. At his baptism, “the heavens were opened” that Adam’s sin had closed; and the waters were sanctified by the descent of Jesus and the Spirit as a prelude to the new creation (cf. Catechism 1224 and 536).

This feast reminds us of our baptism, and makes us discover that in Baptism we have received the seed of a treasure that is faith and the gift of the Holy Spirit, which makes us children of God in Christ and introduces us into the community of faith: the Church.

The Word of God invites you today to take your faith seriously, not to play with it, to take care of it so that it becomes stronger every day, despite your weakness or, better, counting on it, and giving it to the Lord so that the Holy Spirit can carry out the work of holiness in you as He wants to do it.

And what must you do to make your faith grow and mature? First, accept the word of God in the Gospel as addressed to you: you are my beloved son. This is the “guiding thread” of the entire Christian being: that God loves you freely and is creating a story of love and salvation with you. This is the key. Discovering that everything is a gift, everything is grace, everything is a work of the Lord that you must accept in your life.

Therefore, – as we sing in the Alleluia – you must listen to Jesus Christ: with an attitude of humility, simplicity, trust… to let yourself be taught by Him, who is the only Teacher. And with the Holy Spirit, let the Word shape your heart so that your life conforms to the will of God.

It is also necessary that you cultivate your spiritual life. Prayer is necessary. Pray, and not only when you have problems, but every day, as the most natural thing you can do with God, your Father. And pray with a living and sincere prayer. A prayer of petition in the Spirit, because we do not know how to ask for what is good for us; but also a prayer of praise, which is the echo of the presence of the Spirit making your life new.

Also, participating in the sacraments, especially the Eucharist and Penance. These are necessary means that Jesus has left you for your spiritual growth in faith. And doing good.

And all this is lived in the Church, which is the family of those who believe in Jesus Christ. You cannot live faith alone, in an individualistic way. No. God has not created you for solitude, but for relationship, for communion and for giving.

Open your heart to the Lord! Do not be afraid! He who began a good work in you will himself bring it to completion!

Come, Holy Spirit!

Jorge Miró

Sacerdote de la archidiócesis de Valencia y profesor en la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas, Económicas y Sociales de la Universidad Católica de Valencia