13 Marzo, 2025

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Il Papa in Canada: non smetto di pregare per il popolo ucraino, aggredito e martirizzato

Parole del Santo Padre dopo la preghiera mariana

Il Papa in Canada: non smetto di pregare per il popolo ucraino, aggredito e martirizzato
© Vatican Media

After the Angelus, the Holy Father continued:

Dear brothers and sisters,

Yesterday morning I came back to Rome after a six-day apostolic journey to Canada. I intend to speak about it during the General Audience this coming Wednesday. But now I would like to thank all those who made this penitential pilgrimage possible, beginning with the Civil Authorities, the Chiefs of the Indigenous Peoples, and the Canadian Bishops. I sincerely thank all those who accompanied me with their prayer. Thank you to you all!

Also, during this journey, I did not cease praying for the suffering and battered Ukrainian people, asking God to free them from the scourge of war. If one looked at what is happening objectively, considering the harm that war brings every day to those people, and even to the entire world, the only reasonable thing to do would be to stop and negotiate. May wisdom inspire concrete steps toward peace.

I extend my greeting to you, people from Rome and pilgrims. A special greeting goes to the novices of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians who are about to make their first religious profession; the group of Catholic Action from Barletta; the young people from the Diocese of Verona; the boys and girls of Unità pastoral “Pieve di Scandiano”; and the “Gonzaga” group from Carimate, Montesolaro, Figino and Novedrate who have walked the Via Francigena.

On the feast of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, I extend a heartfelt greeting to my fellow-Jesuits. Continue to walk zealously and joyfully in serving the Lord. Be courageous!

I wish all of you a good Sunday. Please, do not forget to pray for me. Enjoy your meal and arrivederci!

Exaudi Redazione