Increase in Catholics in the World

Fides Dossier

Vatican Media

On the occasion of World Mission Day, the organ of the Pontifical Mission Societies, Fides Agency, has published its annual statistical dossier on the situation of the Catholic Church worldwide. This report reveals an increase of 13.7 million faithful since last year. It also highlights the growth in the number of permanent deacons and lay missionaries, although it notes a decrease in the number of catechists. According to the dossier, “Africa remains the promised land of vocations.”

Increase in Permanent Deacons

Last May, the Bishop of Barishal, Emmanuel Rozario, ordained eight deacons at the Holy Spirit Major Seminary in Dhaka, Bangladesh, calling them “pillars of the local Church.” He recognized their work in preaching the Gospel and serving the poor with fidelity and love.

Since 2019, the bishops of Southern Africa have promoted new “Guidelines for the formation of permanent deacons” highlighting their importance for the apostolate of the Church. The statistical dossier of Agenzia Fides highlights that the number of permanent deacons has increased by 974, exceeding 50,000 worldwide, with increases in Africa, Asia, and Europe, but with a decrease in America and Oceania.

Growth of Lay Missionaries

The report also notes an increase in the number of lay missionaries, reaching 413,286, with an overall increase of over 2,800, especially in America. These missionaries play a crucial role in evangelization, complementing the work of deacons, especially in the young Churches of Africa and Asia.

Decrease in Catechists

On the other hand, the number of catechists has decreased slightly, although it remains considerable, with more than 2.8 million in total. In Africa, the trend has been reversed, with the number of catechists increasing by about 20,000. These catechists are fundamental for the apostolate, especially in rural and remote areas.

Increase in the Number of Catholics

The analysis by Fides, based on the Statistical Yearbook of the Church until December 31, 2022, estimates that the world’s Catholic population exceeds 1.389 billion, with an increase of 13.7 million compared to the previous year. This growth is observed in four of the five continents, with Africa (+7 million) and America (+6 million) recording the most significant increases. Europe, however, shows a decrease of 474,000 baptized. In percentage terms, Catholics represent 17.7% of the world’s population, an increase of 0.03% compared to the previous year.

Decline in Priests and Consecrated Women

The dossier notes a decrease in the number of priests for the fifth consecutive year, standing at 407,730 (-142 compared to the previous year). Europe has recorded the largest decrease (-2,745 priests), while Africa (+1,676) and Asia (+1,160) have seen increases.

The downward trend is also observed in the number of consecrated women, which has decreased by more than 9,000, standing at 599,228. Africa (+1,358) and Asia (+74) show increases, while America (-1,358) and Europe (-7,012) record decreases, reflecting the ageing of the population and the demographic winter on these continents.

Vocations to the Priesthood and Consecrated Life

The number of major seminarians is 108,000, with increases in Africa (+726) and Oceania (+12), but with decreases in America (-921), Asia (-375) and Europe (-859). Africa is also the “promised land of vocations” for minor seminarians, with an increase of 1,065, while the other continents register decreases.

In Nsukka, Nigeria, new priestly ordinations have led the diocese to exceed 400 priests, doubling its number in the last decade. Bishop Godfrey Igwebuike Onah stressed that these priests are “earthen vessels carrying a precious treasure, Christ Jesus, to be carefully guarded and given to the thirsty.”

These data reflect not only the current situation of the Catholic Church, but also the challenges and opportunities it faces in different regions of the world.