In Praise of Silence

The testimony of the interior silence to meet the Father, listen to the Father and let us direct ourselves towards the Holy Spirit

Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash

In the midst of the bullishness of our time, there are many people who feel the need to free themselves from their harsh atmosphere and find peace of mind. On the other hand, silence is difficult and painful for you.

Silence is more, much more than the simple absence of sound. Silence is the clear and clear rule that speaks words carefully. The silence culminates in the word, as the night culminates in the day, the darkness, in the light. Words and silence are eternal companions. Without silence there is no speech, and without speech there is no silence. Our mouth communicates with the outside, with the other; the silence, with the interior of each one.

Silence is one of our main masters of life. We open the doors to the depths of our own existence. Silence allows us to meet the most authentic, most genuine, yet most mysterious and unknown self, therefore, silence is respectful, attentive, amiable, polite.

Silence facilitates concentration, attention and makes us feel the present with great intensity. The silence teaches us to understand nature, our surroundings. Our consolation, our cleanliness, our redemption, our transformation, our health, our energy. Therefore, silence is indispensable for a full and healthy life. The great problems of life are resolved in silence.

The most fruitful life hides behind the manantial of your silence. If you learn to look after it, the silence will veil you.

Silence is the right word, the right intention, the clear promise, the restrained enthusiasm. It’s about concentrating, following your own orbit, doing your own work, fulfilling your own design. Talk to GOD before talking to men, so as not to regret it after talking.

Silence is recognizing that conflicts are resolved better by talking than talking, and that time has more influence on those than words. The silence allows us to look inside and then change outside. Let us be silent above all to verify two things: to see the reality in depth and to discover what we specify most about it.

In silence you cannot consider them as a counter-inducer, but rather you welcome them as one of your best friends, bearer of sentiment and creator of intimidation. It can help you transform your daily existence to a better one.

The silence, when it is authentic, is shown as one of the best to preserve in our daily journey in search of the transcendent.

It doesn’t go against anything, it doesn’t oppose anyone; well on the contrary, if we toast as an immense value, we are called to be drunk by each of us. Through the word the human being surpasses the other evenings of naturalness, but with silence, it is capable of placing himself on the brink of so much.

Before the culture of the noise and the tree we are called to contrast the testimony of interior silence to meet the Father, to ask the Father and to direct ourselves towards the Holy Spirit.

Juan Andrés Segura – Enraizados collaborator