‘In Eucharist, May You Find Grace & Light to Illuminate Life’
Ahead of Corpus Christi, Pope Says Christ's Body & Blood, Great Comfort Amid Difficulties

In the Eucharist, may you find the grace and light to illuminate your life. The day before the Feast of Corpus Christi, Pope Francis expressed his hope during his fourth weekly General Audience this year with some faithful in the Vatican’s San Damaso Courtyard, today, June 2, Italy’s feast of the Republic.
Grace and Light to Illuminate Life
Today, the Pope continued his series of catecheses on prayer, this week speaking about “Jesus, model and soul of all prayer” to the few hundred socially-distanced, masked faithful before him. Greeting Italian-speaking pilgrims, Francis said: “Dear brothers and sisters, tomorrow the solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ is celebrated, which in Italy and in other countries is transferred to next Sunday.”
“May you find in the Eucharist, mystery of love and glory, that source of grace and light that illuminates the paths of life,” the Pope said.
Presence, Support, Comfort
Addressing elderly, young people, the sick and newlyweds, he prayed: “May the Body and Blood of Christ be for each of you a presence and support amidst difficulties, a sublime comfort in the suffering of every day and a pledge of eternal resurrection.”
Greeting English-speaking faithful, Francis said: “May the coming celebration of the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ deepen our awareness of the real presence of Jesus among us in the Eucharist. Upon you and your families I invoke the joy and peace of the Lord.”
“May God bless you!” he said.

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