I’m trying too

In search of health and faith, I’m joining the intermittent fasting “army.” Between metabolic improvements and spiritual reflections, I’m discovering that the real benefit goes beyond the physical

Foto de Annushka Ahuj

I’m trying too, I’ve joined the “army” of intermittent fasting. I’ve decided to stand firm, seeking to fulfill it in the best way possible. I’ve read that, for women in my wonderful age range, it is recommended to fast for more than 12 hours, although they say that the benefits of intermittent fasting are usually noticeable, even with shorter periods. I hope so, because when you read about its benefits, it seems like you have found the elixir of life:

Improved metabolism

  • Insulin regulation
  • Weight and body fat loss
  • Reduced appetite by improving regulation of hunger hormones

Improved cellular health

  • Autophagy
  • Brain benefits: memory, concentration and mood
  • Reduced inflammation

Improved cardiovascular health

  • Longevity
  • Energy optimization
  • Metabolic flexibility

So, how can I not do it…?

Am I getting it? Well, sometimes yes… other times almost. However, something that I have achieved, even on the days when I fail, is to ask for more faith. To ask for more faith to wish with all my heart to take communion again, to long for it as much as the first cinnamon tea I drink after those long hours of fasting. May it fill me with joy to know that it won’t be long before I receive it again.

And I remembered a conversation with a good friend who laughed at me when I confessed to her that, when I was alone in the oratory, I liked to approach the tabernacle and touch the tip of the conopeo, the cloth that covers it. I told her that I did it as if by touching it I could “steal favors,” like that of the hemorrhagic woman. And she, with her wisdom, pointed out that it was nonsense. “Why touch a veil if you can take communion? The hemorrhagic woman would have liked to receive communion! With what faith would she have prepared it…”

I don’t know if I will lower my inflammation levels, if I will lose weight, or if my brain will be stimulated as much as the studies promise. But I do know, Lord, that with intermittent fasting I am more aware that I want to love you better. And without a doubt, that is the best benefit of all, one that was not on any list.

Intermittent fasting… why not?