15 March, 2025

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“I want to remember Sister Maria de Coppi, killed in Mozambique”

Holy Father's words after the Angelus

“I want to remember Sister Maria de Coppi, killed in Mozambique”
© Vatican Media

After the recitation of the Sunday Marian Angelus, Pope Francis recalled his upcoming apostolic journey. He also asked for continued prayers for the Ukrainian people and finally addressed his greetings to the faithful and pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square, wishing everyone a good Sunday.

Below are the Pope’s words after the Angelus prayer, provided by the Holy See Press Office:

After the Angelus

The day after tomorrow, I will leave for a three-day journey in Kazakhstan, where I will take part in the Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions. It will be an opportunity to meet many religious representatives and to engage in dialogue as brothers, inspired by the mutual desire for peace, the peace our world thirsts for. I would already like to extend a cordial greeting to the participants, as well as to the authorities, the Christian communities and the entire population of that vast country. I give thanks for the preparations and for the work that has been done in view of my visit. I ask you all to accompany me with prayer on this pilgrimage of dialogue and peace.

Let us continue to pray for the Ukrainian people, that the Lord may give them comfort and hope. During these days, Cardinal Krajewski, prefect of the Dicastery for the Service of Charity, is in Ukraine to visit various communities and to bear concrete witness to the closeness of the Pope and the Church.

In this moment of prayer, it is dear to me to remember Sister Maria de Coppi, Combonian missionary, killed in Chipene, Mozambique, where she served with love for almost sixty years. May her witness give strength and courage to Christians and all the people of Mozambique.

I wish to address a special greeting to the dear people of Ethiopia, who today celebrate their traditional New Year: I assure you of my prayer and wish every family and the entire nation the gift of peace and reconciliation.

And let us not forget to pray to students, who go back to school tomorrow or the day after.

And now I greet you all, Romans and pilgrims from various countries: families, parish groups, associations. In particular, I greet the soldiers from Colombia, the group from Costa Rica and the Argentine female representation at the World Economic Forum. I greet the young people of the profession of faith of Cantù, the faithful of Musile di Piave, Ponte a Tressa and Vimercate, and the members of the Nonviolent Movement and the young people of the Immacolata.

I wish you a happy Sunday. Please, do not forget to pray for me. Enjoy your meal, and arrivederci!


Exaudi Staff