10 March, 2025

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How to be a good apostle in the workplace

Keys to witnessing to the love of Christ in the professional sphere with coherence, humility and charity

How to be a good apostle in the workplace

The workplace can seem like a challenge for those who seek to live their Catholic faith in an integral way. However, it is precisely in these spaces where Christians are called to be “light of the world” and “salt of the earth” (Matthew 5:13-14). Being a good apostle at work does not mean imposing our beliefs, but rather witnessing to the love of Christ with our actions, words and attitudes. Here are some keys to achieving this:

1. Live with coherence

Coherence between faith and life is the first step to being a good apostle. At work, this translates into acting with honesty, respect and justice. Fulfill your responsibilities with excellence, be punctual, treat your colleagues with dignity and avoid participating in gossip or dishonest practices. As St. Josemaría Escrivá says: “Being sanctimonious is not the same as being holy: being sanctimonious is pretending to have virtues that one does not have; being holy is striving to acquire virtues that one does not have.”

2. Be a witness of charity

Charity is the heart of the Gospel and should be the basis of our work relationships. Listen to your colleagues, offer selfless help and show genuine interest in their needs. A simple gesture of kindness can be a powerful form of evangelization. Remember Jesus’ words: “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:35).

3. Take advantage of opportunities to share your faith

Don’t be afraid to talk about your faith when the opportunity arises. This doesn’t mean giving speeches, but rather sharing in a naturally way how God acts in your life. For example, if someone asks you why you are happy in the midst of difficulties, you can mention that your faith gives you hope. Be prudent and respectful, but do not hide your Christian identity.

4. Offer your work as prayer

Work is not only an obligation, but an opportunity to sanctify ourselves and others. Offer your daily tasks to God, ask him to bless your effort and for your work to contribute to the common good. As Saint Teresa of Calcutta taught: “Do small things with great love.” This approach transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary.

5. Respect the freedom of others

Being an apostle does not mean imposing, but proposing. Respect the beliefs of your colleagues and avoid attitudes of moral superiority. Evangelization is an act of love, not imposition. As Pope Francis said: “The Church grows not by proselytism, but by attraction, by testimony.”

6. Form yourself in your faith

To be a good apostle, it is essential to know and delve into Catholic doctrine. Read the Bible, study the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and participate in training activities in your parish or community. This will help you respond with wisdom and clarity to questions that may arise at work.

7. Pray for your colleagues and your work environment

Prayer is a powerful tool. Take time to pray for your colleagues, bosses, and clients. Ask God to bless your workplace and that, through you, others may know his love. The intercession of saints such as St. Joseph the Worker, patron saint of workers, can be of great help.

Being a good apostle in the workplace is a challenging but deeply rewarding mission. It is about living the faith with authenticity, love, and humility, transforming the world from within. As St. John Paul II said: “Do not be afraid to be saints. Be strong, firm, and joyful in faith.” May your work be a reflection of God’s love and a seed that bears fruit of hope and salvation in the hearts of those around you.

Patricia Jiménez Ramírez

Soy una mujer comprometida con mi familia, con una sólida experiencia empresarial y una profunda dedicación al hogar. Durante años trabajé en diversos entornos empresariales, liderando equipos y gestionando proyectos de impacto. Sin embargo, en los últimos años he tomado la decisión de centrarme en mi hogar y dedicar más tiempo a mi marido e hijos, quienes son mi mayor prioridad. Mi experiencia en el ámbito empresarial me ha brindado valiosas habilidades en gestión del tiempo, organización, liderazgo y resolución de problemas, que ahora aplico en mi vida familiar para fomentar un ambiente armonioso y saludable para todos