How is your heart?
Reflections on love and personal growth

The heart, from an anatomical point of view, is a muscle that weighs between 200 and 425 grams, a central part of the circulatory system, works 24/7 and its main function is to send oxygenated blood to all the cells of the body; however, in this article, we are going to have another approach to this.
I recently had the opportunity to watch on YouTube a talk by Álvaro Gonzáles Alorda (Founder of Emergap, a consulting firm specializing in organizational transformation and author of the book Cabeza, corazón y manos: Un viaje de transformacion personal) where he explains how the head, heart, and hands are linked to carrying out any activity in general, (reason, desire or feeling and action or concretion). These three elements must be present no matter what, otherwise, the activity will not come to fruition.
Now, the greatest feeling that we have as human beings flows from the heart and this is undoubtedly love, and it goes beyond just the emotional relationship between two people who love each other and have a plan for married life with no expiration date. (1)
Following the previous paragraph, I share three phrases with you…
Albert Einstein said: “If one day you have to choose between the world and love, remember that if you choose the world, you will lose love, but if you choose love, with it, you will conquer the world”
Blaise Pascal said: “The heart has reasons that reason ignores”.
Finally, Saul of Tarsus in the first epistle to the Corinthians (13.1) says: “Even if I speak with the tongues of men and angels, if I do not have love, I am like a resounding bell or a clanging cymbal”
Could it be, then, that our hearts have “fever” and for that reason we do not display our love? If the answer is yes, where to start.
I suggest that we all ask ourselves some questions, starting with myself, in order to find the causes of this “fever”.
• What do I really have in my heart?
• Do I go out to meet the person closest to me in all facets of my life (family, co-worker, boss, friend, etc.)?
• What intentions are associated with this meeting?
• Do I really seek to spread my love to others?
In fact, there must be more questions and even deeper ones than those raised in the previous paragraph, so I invite you to “do this exercise”. I am sure that you will be surprised by your own answers. In this specific act we should put into practice what is associated with the subject of head, heart and hands.
Now, I will briefly share my findings with you…
1. If I really want to help change the world, I must leave my comfort zone and go out to meet my family, friends and collaborators at work, etc. (be attentive to help them, serve them).
2. If I do it selflessly, I am right. Saint Matthew says: “Do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.”
3. If I always do it with a sincere smile, it is noticeable, it is seen, it is smelled, and I will transmit joy no matter what.
4. If I constantly do the three points above, I should not believe it, because that is a symptom of pride and that is when I will start to have problems for sure.
5. Last but not least, be aware that I will not achieve it alone, ask the Lord Jesus for help (I always pray and tell him: help me so that what I feel, think, say and do is congruent)
Dear reader, I want to take advantage of these last lines to invite you again to find your answer to the question: How is your heart? Do not be afraid. What do you say, we are ready to row even harder against the current!
(1) Rojas, Enrique (2020) Everything you need to know about life, Spain: Editorial Planeta. Chapter The maturity of feelings.