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Hugo Saldaña Estrada


26 November, 2024

4 min

How is your Ego?

Ego, humility and detachment: lessons from everyday life

How is your Ego?

The Gospel mentioned the scribes and a poor widow who donated everything she had (two copper coins) and that was what she needed to live.

In ancient times, the scribes were scholars who specialized in Mosaic law. They were educated, so they knew how to read and write. Meanwhile, at the same time, women were left helpless when they became widows.

Reflecting on these characters, it could be said that in current times and after more than 2000 years, they are still relevant.

Now, I will comment on two related facts, from my point of view.

At the beginning of 2006, I stopped working in a bank that was formal in terms of treatment, dress and hierarchies. And I began a new adventure also within the area of ​​human resources, in a retail company, to be exact in a hypermarket.

In this regard, the area manager told me that the dress code was always casual and it was unusual to wear a suit. This caught my attention at my new workplace.

In addition, the general manager worked in a cubicle that was only slightly larger than the rest of the employees and had a small round table that served as a “meeting room” and had no door.

I remember that when they introduced me to him, I said very formally: “Mr. Correa, good afternoon.” He extended his hand and replied: “What is your name?” I replied, “Hugo Saldaña.” To which he quickly said: “The Lord is up in heaven… Hugo, I am Juan Fernando.”

Since that date, I always remember this episode and tell it, because with that simple act he taught me horizontality. And as some modern speakers say, it went straight to the point.

In a previous article, I mentioned that I have a brother in life (specifically from the university undergraduate program) who had told me several times that my daughters are like his daughters. He wrote me a message on WhatsApp a few days ago: Saldaña…, hello, how nice! I see it right now, for the girls all!

That message is related to the fact that my second daughter is finishing her school years, here in Buenos Aires and wants to share the moment of her graduation with all of my friend’s family. And if you have read my previous article you might think that I have already told you about that.

However, what happens is that just today, Anita and Oscar have confirmed to me that they are traveling from Peru to Argentina to be present at my daughter Fátima’s graduation. And right in the month of December (Christmas campaign) very complicated for them, since they are small and medium-sized food sales entrepreneurs, who want to get ahead like many others. Even the fact that they have just launched a new brand (since the previous one, for different reasons, no longer represents them) did not stop them, which is a great challenge in every sense. But they leave everything to accompany us for a week, wow!

Some thoughts that I share with you:

Story No. 1

  • There will always be people who are smarter and more capable than you, who occupy better positions in companies, and that’s fine.
  • By having a high-ranking private or public position, you could have access to the front seats and everyone will greet you.
  • Don’t let your pride go up in smoke, avoid getting on the pedestal, as they say here, don’t be show-offy…
  • Try to always be humble and kind, that way they will feel truly close to you.

Story No. 2

  • Today, agendas and time are tyrannical, for all people without exception (employees or businessmen).
  • Try to always give what you don’t have to spare.
  • They will work harder when they return to Lima, they will get tired, it will hurt them.
  • Have a generous heart, but for real.

To conclude, I share with you an anecdote and a phrase, which I hope will help.

“They say that a little girl, at a formal event, pulled on the cassock of Saint John Paul II and he, instead of looking at the little girl from top to bottom, bent down to be at the same level as her.”

“Where your treasure is, there your heart is,” Gospel of Matthew 6,21.

No, let us not tire ourselves out… let us continue rowing against the current!