04 March, 2025

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Hope and Conversion: The Teaching of Mary Magdalene at the Jubilee Audience

Pope Francis invites us to refocus our lives and discover our mission

Hope and Conversion: The Teaching of Mary Magdalene at the Jubilee Audience

At the Jubilee Audience on February 1, 2025, Pope Francis offered a profound catechesis on hope and conversion, using Mary Magdalene as a model. In his speech, the Holy Father explained that to hope is not just to wait passively, but to turn to God, rediscovering the purpose of our life.

Mary Magdalene: symbol of transformation

The Pope used the figure of Mary Magdalene as an example of authentic conversion. He recalled how she went from a life of darkness to becoming the first witness of the Resurrection of Christ. “Mary Magdalene teaches us that the encounter with Jesus changes the heart and reorients existence,” said the Pontiff.

This transformation was not simply an external change but a true inner renewal. The Pope explained that Christian hope does not consist in waiting for things to change on their own but in being willing to change our lives, and aligning ourselves with God’s dreams.

A call to personal mission

The Holy Father invited the faithful to ask themselves if they are open to this conversion. “Am I willing to change my perspective? To discover what mission God has entrusted to me?” were some of the questions he posed.

Each person has a unique role in the history of salvation, and the Jubilee 2025 is an opportunity to rediscover it. The Pope encouraged everyone to allow themselves to be transformed by divine mercy and to be witnesses of hope in their surroundings.

Francis’ message resonates like a call to the heart of every believer: conversion is not a one-off act, but a continuous journey of encounter with Christ. Following the example of Mary Magdalene, we can learn to see life with new eyes and discover our mission in the world.