Healing Prayer

Father Ángel Espinosa de los Monteros

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Father Ángel Espinosa de los Monteros brings to Exaudi readers in his Reflections section the topic “Prayer for Healing.”


Dear friends, I am Father Ángel Espinosa de los Monteros. On many occasions, I have been asked about healing prayers and healing meetings. Of course, they exist, they are valid, and they are good, but without exaggerating. For example, if someone has a cancer problem, they should not expect prayer to be the only method of healing. If God wants, the miracle can happen, but many times God works through doctors, and we do not realize it.

For example, someone can have a few cancer balls, go to the doctor and come out completely clean, living another 30 years. In this case, it may seem like it was the doctor, but it really could have been God working through the medicine. Sometimes there are spectacular situations when a doctor tells you that it seems like you never had cancer. That’s impressive and could be the work of God, even if we don’t always recognize it.

God heals us through many things, sometimes through food. But what I want to emphasize is that you can do a healing prayer in your own home. You don’t need to wait for a huge healing event. Listen to this prayer, record it, write it down and pray it every day:

Lord, You are the one who restores my strength, the one who can do everything, the one who restores sight to the blind, the one who makes the lame walk and the great healer of the sick. I want you to come to reign with power in my soul. I want to assume in my life that commitment to also be that support for the weak and assist those who suffer with your love. You are the key to true love. Amen.

Instead of going to conferences, which are important and nice, or looking for specific people, why don’t you pray this healing prayer every day. Tell the Lord every day: “Heal me.” But start by asking Him to heal your pride, envy, laziness, lust, greed, selfishness, irresponsibility and materialism. First heal your soul.

Remember the Gospel passage in which Jesus is presented to a paralyzed man. They open the roof, lower down a stretcher and Jesus, seeing him, tells him: “Your sins are forgiven.” The man might have thought that he came, for another reason, because of his paralysis. But Jesus, to show that he has the power to forgive sins, also tells him: “Take up your mat, get up and go.” For Jesus, the soul is more important than the body.

So, first ask God to heal the poverty of your soul. And then, if He wants, He can take away the physical problem, like cancer, but first you must ask Him to heal your soul.

Instead, God wants to heal you of your flaws and sins. He was just waiting for you to ask him. Maybe your physical problem is not a lack of desire to heal, but rather God wants to give you something better: strength, faith and hope.

Dear friends, let us pray for healing of the soul, and then the body, every day from our own home. Let us do all the good we can and may God bless you always.

I am Father Ángel Espinosa de los Monteros. Thank you very much for watching this video. Subscribe for more content and follow me on all my social networks. Let’s do all the good we can. God bless you always.

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