Fr. Jorge Miró shares with Exaudi readers his commentary on today’s Gospel, Sunday 26 November 2023, entitled “He will sit on the throne of his glory and separate some from others.”
Today, the last Sunday of the liturgical year, we celebrate the Solemnity of our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe.
The Church wants to underline that Jesus Christ is the King, the only Lord, the only Master, that Jesus Christ is above all. He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords.
To accept Jesus as King is to let Jesus Christ be Lord of your life, of your whole life! Lord of your marriage, of your youth, of your money, of your work, of your entertainment, of your priesthood, of your courtship… It is to live Jesus’ way of life, to be faithful to his teaching, faithful to him.
That is why today’s Gospel insists precisely on the universal kingship of Christ the judge; it reminds us that Jesus Christ will ask us to give an account of our life. He will examine us on the authenticity of our faith, which must be manifested in our lives, in our fidelity to the commandments, to the Gospel and to the Church, and in our living the works of mercy. For being a Christian is not a matter of words, but of life.
Man is saved by faith: If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved (cf. Rom 10:9).
But works are the sign that faith is lived. A faith without works is dead (cf. Jas 2:14). Faith without charity bears no fruit, and charity without faith would be a feeling constantly at the mercy of doubt. Faith and love need each other, so that one enables the other to follow its path (cf. Porta fidei, 14).
What does Jesus Christ mean in your life? Is He the King of your life? Does He occupy the centre of your heart? Do you trust Him? Do you obey Him above all fashions? Do you ask Him for the gift of following Him every day?
The Word also reminds us that Christ’s throne is the cross and His crown is not of gold but of thorns. Whoever wants to accept Christ as King will have to take up the cross, will have to deny himself in order to attain the glory of eternal life.
Be encouraged! Decide to follow Jesus in the Church! Open your heart to Him and be filled by Him! Live as a true disciple of His! Your life will change, you will find peace and happiness and you will inherit eternal life.
Come, Holy Spirit! (cf. Lk 11:13).
He will sit on the throne of his glory and separate some from others: Commentary Fr. Jorge Miró
Sunday 26 November 2023
Fr. Jorge Miró shares with Exaudi readers his commentary on today’s Gospel, Sunday 26 November 2023, entitled “He will sit on the throne of his glory and separate some from others.”
Today, the last Sunday of the liturgical year, we celebrate the Solemnity of our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe.
The Church wants to underline that Jesus Christ is the King, the only Lord, the only Master, that Jesus Christ is above all. He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords.
To accept Jesus as King is to let Jesus Christ be Lord of your life, of your whole life! Lord of your marriage, of your youth, of your money, of your work, of your entertainment, of your priesthood, of your courtship… It is to live Jesus’ way of life, to be faithful to his teaching, faithful to him.
That is why today’s Gospel insists precisely on the universal kingship of Christ the judge; it reminds us that Jesus Christ will ask us to give an account of our life. He will examine us on the authenticity of our faith, which must be manifested in our lives, in our fidelity to the commandments, to the Gospel and to the Church, and in our living the works of mercy. For being a Christian is not a matter of words, but of life.
Man is saved by faith: If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved (cf. Rom 10:9).
But works are the sign that faith is lived. A faith without works is dead (cf. Jas 2:14). Faith without charity bears no fruit, and charity without faith would be a feeling constantly at the mercy of doubt. Faith and love need each other, so that one enables the other to follow its path (cf. Porta fidei, 14).
What does Jesus Christ mean in your life? Is He the King of your life? Does He occupy the centre of your heart? Do you trust Him? Do you obey Him above all fashions? Do you ask Him for the gift of following Him every day?
The Word also reminds us that Christ’s throne is the cross and His crown is not of gold but of thorns. Whoever wants to accept Christ as King will have to take up the cross, will have to deny himself in order to attain the glory of eternal life.
Be encouraged! Decide to follow Jesus in the Church! Open your heart to Him and be filled by Him! Live as a true disciple of His! Your life will change, you will find peace and happiness and you will inherit eternal life.
Come, Holy Spirit! (cf. Lk 11:13).
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