06 March, 2025

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05 March, 2025

3 min

Hallow launches new campaign to pray this Lent

The annual prayer challenge that begins on Ash Wednesday will focus on the writings of St. Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer. In 2024, nearly 1.7 million people joined the Lenten prayer challenge through the app

Hallow launches new campaign to pray this Lent

The Catholic prayer app Hallow has today announced its 2025 Lenten challenge: Camino, which will begin on Ash Wednesday. Guiding the Hallow community through the global challenge will be priests and religious from around the world, such as Fr. Mike Schmitz (USA), Fr. Salvatore Vitiello (Italy), Sister Glenda (Spain), Fr. Patrick Fernandes (Brazil), Fr. Josepe Manglano (Spain), and many more. In addition, these men and women will be joined by American actors Jonathan Roumie, Mark Wahlberg, and Chris Pratt, Brazilian television star Juliano Cazarré, Mexican singer Emmanuel, French MMA champion Benoît Saint-Denis and Le Mans champion Ferdinand Habsburg.

Annual Prayer Challenge

The theme of this year’s challenge will be “The Way,” based on the powerful verse in John 14:6 “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.” The annual prayer challenge, now in its sixth year, will be based on the incredible writings of St. Josemaría Escrivá’s The Way. The book, published in 1934 and considered one of the most powerful spiritual texts of the 20th century, is made up of 999 “points,” or considerations, that inspire prayer and meditation.

As part of the prayer challenge, Cardinal Robert Sarah will lead Saturday sessions for English-speaking users focused on silent meditation, taken from his book The Power of Silence, to find peace amidst the noise of the world. For Spanish-speaking participants, they will find reflections for living the holy hour given by the theologian and renowned writer Don José Pedro Manglano, founder of the Hakuna group.

“Our Lent challenge is always our biggest challenge of the year, and it is an honor to be able to pray with so many incredible voices and with our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world,” said Alex Jones, CEO and co-founder of Hallow.

An opportunity to grow spiritually

The Lent 2025 challenge will also feature Requiem for Nagasaki, a book published by Ignatius Press about the life of the Servant of God Takashi Nagai, who survived the atomic bomb but had to face difficulties, anguish and, finally, conversion.

“The Hallow Challenge is a great Lenten opportunity to grow spiritually, combining the inspiring story of Catholic convert and atomic bomb survivor Dr. Takashi Nagai, and the spiritual reflections of the great Cardinal Robert Sarah, while drawing on his spiritual classic, The Power of Silence,” said Mark Brumley, President of Ignatius Press. “What a blessing to be able to read these magnificent works, and pray along with the 2025 Lent Challenge: The Way.”

The Hallow Lent Challenge will be launched in eight languages, with participants expected in more than 150 countries.

Additionally, to mark the beginning of Lent around the world and invite people to prayer, Hallow has partnered with the Shrine of Christ the Redeemer. The famous statue, located in Rio de Janeiro, will be illuminated in Hallow purple on Ash Wednesday.

In 2024, nearly 1.7 million people joined the Hallow Lenten Prayer Challenge, leading to Hallow reaching #1 in the Apple AppStore on Ash Wednesday.

For more information, visit https://try.hallow.com/cuaresma-2025