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16 April, 2024

2 min

Guide to Prayer Through the Mountain

In this “Year of Prayer”, proclaimed by Pope Francis, a new prayer manual has just been published in Spanish

Guide to Prayer Through the Mountain

Priest Ricardo Reyes Castillo, from the Dicastery of Divine Worship and the discipline of the sacraments, with this manual takes readers into the adventure of walking a path to reach the summit of prayer.

This new book is a magnificent prayer guide aimed at all types of people, from those who have never prayed to those who are already on a more advanced path, as you read its pages you ascend toward the summit.

It is a short and easy-to-read manual that encourages the reader to strengthen their relationship with God simply and profoundly. It is aimed at young people and adults, although its illustrations may lead one to think that it is for children, but it is a work that also offers recreations, drawings, and a map, tools that enliven and help in this itinerary of prayer, to reach the summit.

The author offers different guidelines to begin this path, not without difficulties, especially as the reader approaches the summit, but he also offers safe refuges where any mountaineer who firmly decides to advance in prayer should go.

There is also no shortage of important goals that can be achieved along the way, such as listening, seeing, and touching Jesus at different moments of prayer and different touches are given to encourage us to place all our trust in Him, our mountain guide, to be able to move forward to the summit.

An interesting book to read at the current time, since Pope Francis has proclaimed 2024 as the “Year of Prayer”, to prepare for the ordinary Jubilee or Holy Year convened by the Holy See for 2025.

About the Author:

Ricardo Reyes Castillo, born in Grenoble, France, in 1974, of Panamanian parents and priest of the diocese of Rome since 2003. He is an Official of the Dicastery of Divine Worship and the discipline of the Sacraments. Doctor in Sacred Liturgy from the Pontifical Liturgical Institute of San Anselmo and who has numerous publications such as “Letters between heaven and earth”, “I let myself be seduced”, “Journey towards reconciliation” or “What is the Mass?”


Ricardo Reyes Castillo

What is Prayer?