Giving implies having

I will never stop being a father or a husband

That night, the drizzle and the cold conspired so that he decided – it was not his custom – to stop on the way home, to have a coffee. Lost in his thoughts, he stirred the sugar, prepared to take the first sip, when he heard his name. He left the cup on the saucer. He looked up. It was Roberto, a friend he had known since childhood.

– “What are you doing here at this hour?” he asked.

– “My in-laws have arrived home by surprise. With nothing special in the cupboard, it seemed like a nice gesture to buy something special to entertain them. And you?”

– “I’m coming home from work.” – So late? Are you campaigning, closing the month, or something similar?” – No. Usually, at this time, I return home. You know my family history, we grew up almost together, so I decided to work hard to give my children what I did not have.

– “But, what did you not have?” – “Well.” – He was silent and added – “your own house, comforts, a good school, and trips… among other things.”

– Wow, Roberto, that means you hardly see or are with your family!” – “Look, on Sundays, I dedicate myself completely to them. However, the position I have within the company has cost me a lot to reach, it is very demanding and, in addition, we are evaluated by the fulfillment of goals.” – “True, but…” stammered the friend. To which Roberto responded assertively as if he wanted to justify himself – “I am sure that when I will be general manager this situation will change substantially. Meanwhile… I think the sacrifice is worth it.” – “Tell me, was your childhood unhappy?” – “Not at all, I have very good memories.” – “So, do you have many things to share about your childhood?” Roberto didn’t think much about it and added:

“Honestly, many things… I don’t know where to start. The first thing that comes to mind is the sound of the garage door, when my brothers and I heard it, it meant that my dad had come home. He asked me how school had gone, we laughed at his jokes, almost always the same ones. He gave my mother a loving kiss. I really liked that gesture! There was joy in my house, I felt safe, we loved each other. Also, he used to bring some detail for dinner that we enjoyed as a family. –“Did you miss goods or comforts to be happy? – “As far as I can remember, nothing. We had what we needed. I shared a little or a lot with my brothers, and I think we even became more inventive to entertain ourselves by making our own toys. My parents had fun with our ingenuity. At Christmas, I asked for many gifts, but in the end I was happy with what I received, perhaps because my parents hid them so jealously that it was an odyssey for us to find them, and when we managed to do so, the applause and family jubilation were not long in coming.

– “Roberto, one thing is clear to me: in all the endearing moments you have evoked, the presence of your father has been significant. Something that I never savoured… my father passed away when I was two years old. On the other hand, you have lived that experience with so much affection that it has become embedded in your memory. Don’t let the daily hustle and bustle and the “urgent” prevent your children from enjoying the presence of their father. I have to go home, my guests and mine are waiting.

He tried a sip. The coffee was cold. He called the waiter. He wanted to think… accompanied by a hot drink. The conversation had been pleasant and intensely suggestive. Mixed ideas and feelings crossed his mind and heart. Once again, the coffee found him cold. He smiled and asked for the bill. He started the engine of his car and began to drive back.

At home, the light in the entrance was the only one that illuminated it. Everyone was asleep, usually that was where he found his wife and children. He parked the car inside the garage. He did not get out, he stayed inside for a long time thinking. Suddenly he said to himself: Why don’t I seriously try to give my family, my wife and children, what I had at my parents’ house? Is it worth it to get ahead on a job than to contemplate the smile of my children? Isn’t it better to postpone that meeting with a supplier than to delay the conversation or that outing with my wife? Retirement will put an end to my professional career, but I will never stop being a father or a husband. He entered his room, remaining the same, the moonlight giving it a hint of novelty. It will surely be difficult for him to achieve his goal… at least, that night he surely slept well with the awareness of having chosen the right path.