Footprints left by parents and teachers

A call to reflection on the lasting impact we have on the lives of others

In life, it is not about how many steps we have taken or what shoes we have worn, but about the footprints we have left. This message is especially relevant for parents and teachers, and, indeed, for all those who have a role in the education and formation of others.

Reflecting on life, I believe that one of the great satisfactions at the end of the road will be the legacy we have built. I love to talk about the saints, who lived without ostentation, in humble conditions. For example, St. Therese of Lisieux never left her convent, but she left a deep mark with her work “Story of a Soul.” Although her life was simple, the impact she had on others was monumental.

St. Francis of Assisi, for his part, left an indelible mark on the world, despite not leaving his town. His life, centered on poverty and humility, made him a symbol of love and dedication. The same is true of Padre Pio, who, although he lived in the same convent, made an enormous mark. Often, great transformations do not depend on great trips or luxuries, but on the sincerity and love with which we live each day.

To parents and teachers, I say: it does not matter how long you live or what quality of life you have had, but the marks you leave on your children and students. Honesty, affection, and understanding are legacies that last. My father, with his 42 years of life, left an impact that still guides me, as well as the 76 years of my mother, whose love and generosity were fundamental in my formation.

Today, we have more tools than ever to leave a mark: social networks, access to culture, and vibrant communities. Let us take advantage of these opportunities to sow love, friendship, and charity in the world.

I leave you with a question: are you leaving a mark on the lives of those around you? Regardless of your occupation or circumstances, each of us can contribute to the common good. Let us do all the good we can, and may God bless us always.

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