Fear: emotion and prayer

The danger continues, but the fearful heart is now a brave heart, with the strength that comes from Heaven


The primary emotions, points out Giorgio Nardone (Emotions, Herder, 2020), are fear, anger, pleasure and pain. We have enough of fear and pain these days. The pandemic of these almost two years has led us to have emotions on the surface. So many times we are on edge at the level of “look at me and don’t touch me”, because any little touch can trigger a whirlwind of destabilizing emotions: we have reached the limits of our emotional resistance. We know, however, that we have to overcome it. There are surely some reasons to move forward and change our mood, and they are very good, but when we are at the bottom of the emotional hole, they are of little use.

Everyone has experienced the effects of the pandemic firsthand. Many, many have left us. In its wake remains suffering and mourning. Fear appears in the face of this threat that we cannot defeat or fully control. We feel the vulnerability and avoid encountering the virus. There is a fear of contagion for oneself and that of family members, friends, and colleagues. The bad objective of the disease often triggers fear and its consequences: restlessness, anxiety, bodily alterations. Not knowing what to do. Explanations help, but emotions don’t know much about reasons. Regaining calm takes time. We aquire tranquility when we recover our composure.

“I’m afraid, come with me” is a very common phrase when we have to travel through dark and lonely streets.   The same can be said when faced with the perception of a threatening danger. Nothing as devastating as loneliness and helplessness in these situations. Company, we need it to face these hard times in life. Having the shelter of your neighbor comforts you and helps you regain your vital tone. The mere presence of the friend fulfills his office. Words, the right ones; Closeness and awareness of not being alone matter more. There is someone who welcomes us and, likewise, helps us put our fears in their place: not every shadow is an enemy.

There is no vaccine against fear. In the distressing moments of life, external or internal, we strengthen our character. Life continues its course, it demands us and we learn to grow in the face of adversity. Little by little, the spirit grows in strength. A virtuous circle of company, help and personal growth is generated. A hand supports us, with its warmth we recharge our spirits, enough to be the strong and loving support of those who seek shelter in our arms; the chain continues. One day I request refuge in your walled city, on another day you come to my house to protect you from the fears that stalk you.

Human warmth is good for the heart that trembles with fear. However, the experience of now and of years tells me that what is human is not enough to rise above fear. Neither sedatives nor words of encouragement replace what only Heaven can give us. “Why do you grieve, my soul, why do you trouble me? -asks the psalmist-. Hope in God, that you will praise him again: Health of my face, my God” (Ps 42, 6). The believer knows that his hope will not be disappointed. He has somewhere to go. There is the lap of his Mother, the mercy of the Lord and the communion of saints. “What are you afraid of? Am I not your Mother?”, the Guadalupana comments to Saint Juan Diego. “Do not be afraid, it is me” says the Lord to his disciples in the midst of the troubled waters of Gennesaret. The danger continues, but the fearful heart is now a brave heart, with the strength that comes from Heaven.