27 March, 2025

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Fabio Attard, new Rector Major of the Salesians: unexpected but exciting leadership

The Maltese priest, moved to tears, accepts the challenge of leading the Salesian Congregation in a historic election

Fabio Attard, new Rector Major of the Salesians: unexpected but exciting leadership

The Salesian Congregation has a new leader. Fabio Attard was elected this morning as Rector Major, becoming the 11th Successor of Don Bosco. The election took place at the 29th General Chapter (GC29), currently being held in Turin, and came as a real surprise: Attard was not present at the Chapter Assembly, so he received the news via a phone call.

His words, filled with emotion and gratitude, could be heard from the Chapter Hall. With tears in his eyes, he expressed his gratitude for the trust placed in him and in God to take on this new mission. His arrival in Turin is expected in the coming hours, at which time he will make his profession of faith and receive the official greeting from the capitulars and the Mother General of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians.

A historic election for the Salesian Family

Attard’s appointment marks a milestone in Salesian history: it is the first time that a Rector Major is elected without being present at the General Chapter. The 227 representatives of the Congregation, from 135 countries, have placed their trust in him to lead the Salesians of Don Bosco for the next six years. According to the Salesian Constitutions, the Rector Major is “the father and center of unity of the Salesian Family,” assuming the mission of guiding and animating the life and work of the Congregation throughout the world.

Who is Fabio Attard?

Born on March 23, 1959, in Gozo, Malta, Attard has dedicated his life to the Salesian charism. He became a Salesian in 1980 in Dublin, Ireland, and was ordained a priest in 1987 in Rome. His career has been marked by a strong commitment to formation and youth ministry.

Among his most notable responsibilities, he served as General Councilor for Youth Ministry for 12 years and, in 2020, promoted the Ongoing Formation Project for Salesians and Lay People in Europe. His experience and leadership have also been recognized by the Holy See, where in 2018 Pope Francis appointed him a consultant to the Dicastery for Laity, Family, and Life.

In recent years, Attard has been closely involved in the Salesian community in Spain, visiting the country on several occasions and making the Extraordinary Visitation to the Province of Santiago el Mayor in 2023-2024.

A new chapter for the Salesians

Following Attard’s election, the members of the General Council, who will accompany him in leading the Congregation, will be appointed in the coming days. Among them are the Vicar of the Rector Major, those responsible for Formation, Youth Ministry, Social Communication, and Missions, as well as the nine regional councilors.

GC29 will conclude on April 12 in Rome, but the journey Fabio Attard begins today marks the beginning of a new phase for the Salesian Family worldwide.

Exaudi Staff