29 March, 2025

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Educational inclusion, from words to actions

The Three Rs for True School Inclusion

Educational inclusion, from words to actions
Foto: Adventhealth

If we search for the meaning of the word inclusion on Google, we find “belonging or being part of something”, it can also be associated with creating an environment that promotes a person’s sense of belonging, so that they feel respected and valued.

While if we search for the meaning of the word education, we find the action and effect of educating; from an etymological point of view “it has never been clarified whether the term education comes from the Latin verb educare or from educere”. Educare means to lead, guide, orient, raise, feed, while Educere has the meaning of extract, give birth.

Nowadays, all kinds of organizations, whether business, educational, etc. strive to develop initiatives, design programs, among many other things, to be more attractive to potential collaborators, students, clients, etc., having inclusion as a cross-cutting theme.

Due to these circumstances, I have been able to learn about the experience of some families, both in Peru and here in Argentina, who have a child in a school that has accessed the programs called inclusive school education.

Some of the common characteristics that I have observed and then heard from parents are:

  • They have always been accompanied by a shadow, also called an accompanying teacher.
  • From the academic side, the school has supported them and met their expectations.
  • The issue that is still incipient and has much to improve is the one associated with social interaction inside and outside the classroom with their classmates.

Based on what has been indicated, I thought that if we really want to be inclusive people, we have to move from words to concrete actions, especially the other parents. We must organize ourselves and ask for help if necessary from the educational institution so that both our children and ourselves are open to authentically welcoming these children and their families.

Therefore, I share with you the three (03) R’s that we must all keep in mind regarding the issue of school inclusion. This approach is based on a Marian homily that I thought was very appropriate to apply to this topic.

Recognize. The dignity of every human being, which is nothing other than knowing and always keeping in mind that we all have the same value as human beings.

Respect. Everyone without taking into account any issue associated with appearance, race, ability or skill, age, sex, etc.

Redirect. This is selflessly helping people to feel that space or place as if their own.

Based on what has been said so far, I believe that it is a human duty to be open to meeting these families, willing to serve, to display empathy, active listening, among many other things. It is necessary to remember that it is at home where our children are educated by both spouses: “educating is turning someone into a person, it is accompanying by judgment, it is preaching by example” (1).

So, let us treat other people as we would like to be treated, if we were in that situation. What do you say… come on! Do your part in relation to the topic of inclusive school education and the social integration of that child-young person.

I share with you some quotes from Don Bosco, priest and founder of the Salesians, who is a reference in education issues.

“Good education is the seed of many virtues.”

“Remember that education depends on the formation of the heart.”

“The happiness of nations depends on the healthy education of youth.”

Do you dare: Keep rowing against the current…!


(1) Book, Everything you need to know about life, Enrique Rojas, chapter 2, excerpt from page 36.

Hugo Saldaña Estrada

Gerente de Showroom Ventas en Roca SAC. Veinte años de experiencia, generando valor en empresas transnacionales y de primer nivel a través de la gestión integral de procesos de recursos humanos, tales como selección de talento, estrategias de compensaciones, evaluación del desempeño y gestión del clima laboral.