Don’t Worry If Your Children Don’t Listen To You, They Watch You All Day

The Silent Influence: How Parents’ Behavior Shapes Children


Today, I want to address all the worried moms and dads because they feel their children no longer listen to them. I want to share a short and simple reflection: don’t worry if your children don’t listen to you, they watch you all day.

The Importance of Example

This phrase has two ways of being applied: for better or for worse. Think about this: even if you don’t directly tell your children to do something, they are learning from you through your actions. If your children see you misbehaving, using bad words, arriving late, treating your partner badly, or committing dishonest acts, they are absorbing those behaviors. Even if you don’t tell them to act that way, your negative example speaks louder than any words.

Negative Influences

In addition, we must be aware of what we see and hear at home. Superficial television shows, meaningless music, and constant criticism also influence our children. The superficiality and lightness of our lives can convey to our children that life has no deep purpose beyond fun and personal satisfaction. You don’t need to poison them with your words; they just need to see your behavior to learn it.

Positive Influence

But also, this constant observation can be a positive force. Parents who suffer because of the actions of their children, don’t be discouraged. Even if you feel that your children don’t listen to you, continue to lay good foundations. Go to mass, do charity work, have conversations full of love and respect. Your children are watching you and those positive actions will leave a mark on them.

Life Examples

You don’t need to tell them to do good; just do it yourself. St. Monica is a great example of this. Even though her son, St. Augustine, didn’t listen to her, her actions and virtuous life left a deep impression on him. We all want our children to see us as examples of goodness and righteousness.

Final Reflection

Let us not judge our parents for their mistakes, as we all make mistakes and we all come from different backgrounds. Let us acknowledge their shortcomings without judging them. But we, as parents, must strive to be positive examples. Let us do all the good we can and remember that our children are always watching.

May God bless you always and let us continue to strive to be the best example for our children.

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